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List of 8-letter words containing

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There are 9 eight-letter words containing A, F, G, O, R and T

FAGOTERSfagoters n. Plural of fagoter.
FAGOTER n. one who does fagoting, a kind of embroidery.
FOOTGEARfootgear n. Sturdy footwear.
FOOTGEAR n. covering for the feet.
FRONTAGEfrontage n. The front part of a property or building that faces the street.
frontage n. The land between a property and the street.
frontage n. The length of a property along a street.
FROTTAGEfrottage v. To rub, especially to rub onto one surface placed upon another surface that is textured, in order to…
frottage v. (Sexology) To rub parts of the body against those of another person for sexual stimulation.
frottage n. (Uncountable, art) A method of making an image by placing a piece of paper against an object and then…
GRAFFITOgraffito n. (Archaeology and related fields) An informal inscription, as by a worker or vandal.
graffito n. (Rare) A single instance of graffiti in the art/vandalism sense.
GRAFFITO n. (Italian) a scribble on a wall.
ISOGRAFTisograft n. A surgical transplant of tissue between genetically identical individuals (i.e. monozygotic twins).
isograft v. To perform a transplant of this kind.
ISOGRAFT v. to transplant from one to another of the same species.
KOFTGARIkoftgari n. Ornamental work produced by inlaying steel with gold; a variety of damascening common in Indian art.
KOFTGARI n. (Urdu) the craft of inlaying steel with gold.
KOFTGARSkoftgars n. Plural of koftgar.
KOFTGAR n. (Urdu) a craftsman in koftgari, who inlays steel with gold.
ZOOGRAFTzoograft n. A surgical graft of tissue from an animal to a human.
ZOOGRAFT n. animal tissue grafted onto a human.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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