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List of 8-letter words containing

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There are 10 eight-letter words containing A, 2F, O, S and T

AFFORESTafforest v. (Transitive) To make into forest.
AFFOREST v. to cover with forest.
AFFRONTSaffronts n. Plural of affront.
affronts v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of affront.
AFFRONT v. to insult to one's face.
BLASTOFFblastoff n. The countdown and launch of a rocket, missile or spacecraft.
blast-off n. Alternative spelling of blastoff.
blast␣off v. (Idiomatic, intransitive) to begin ascent under rocket power.
CASTOFFScastoffs n. Plural of castoff.
cast-offs n. Plural of cast-off.
CASTOFF n. an item of clothing one no longer wishes to wear, and passes on to another, also OFFCAST.
OFFBEATSoffbeats n. Plural of offbeat.
OFFBEAT n. an unaccented beat in a musical measure.
OFFCASTSoffcasts n. Plural of offcast.
OFFCAST n. an item of clothing one no longer wishes to wear, and passes on to another, also CASTOFF.
OFFSTAGEoffstage adj. Of or relating to that part of a stage not visible to the audience.
offstage adj. Of or relating to the private life of a celebrity.
offstage adv. Taking place offstage (as above).
OFFTAKESofftakes n. Plural of offtake.
OFFTAKE n. a pipe or channel for removing fluid.
STANDOFFstandoff n. A device which maintains a fixed distance between two objects, especially between a surface and a sign…
standoff n. A deadlocked confrontation between antagonists.
standoff adj. (Military) For use at a distance sufficient from the target to allow defensive fire to be evaded.
TAKEOFFStakeoffs n. Plural of takeoff.
take-offs n. Plural of take-off.
take␣offs n. Plural of take off.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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