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List of 8-letter words containing

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There are 20 eight-letter words containing A, E, N, O, S and Y

ANKYLOSEankylose v. (Transitive, pathology) To cause bony structures to fuse or stiffen as a result of ankylosis.
ankylose v. (Intransitive, pathology) To suffer from ankylosis.
ANKYLOSE v. to fuse as the bones of a joint.
ANNOYERSannoyers n. Plural of annoyer.
ANNOYER n. one who annoys.
ANODYNESanodynes n. Plural of anodyne.
ANODYNE n. a medicine that relieves pain.
ANOLYTESanolytes n. Plural of anolyte.
ANOLYTE n. the part of an electricity conduction solution near the anode.
BALONEYSbaloneys n. Plural of baloney.
Baloneys prop.n. Plural of Baloney.
BALONEY n. deceptive talk, nonsense; Bologna sausage, also BOLONEY.
BAYONETSbayonets n. Plural of bayonet.
BAYONET v. to stab with a daggerlike weapon.
CYANOSEDcyanosed adj. (Pathology) Afflicted with cyanosis.
CYANOSED adj. (colloquial) with a bluish discoloration of the skin, as resulting from cyanide poisoning.
CYANOSEScyanoses n. Plural of cyanosis.
CYANOSIS n. bluish discoloration of the skin.
DYSPNOEAdyspnoea n. (British spelling) Alternative spelling of dyspnea.
dyspnœa n. Archaic spelling of dyspnea.
DYSPNOEA n. laboured breathing, also DYSPNEA.
HYPONEASHYPONEA n. a dulled mental activity, also HYPONOIA.
JOYANCESjoyances n. Plural of joyance.
JOYANCE n. delight.
NOSEGAYSnosegays n. Plural of nosegay.
NOSEGAY n. a bouquet of fragrant flowers.
NOYANCESnoyances n. Plural of noyance.
NOYANCE n. (Spenser) annoyance.
ODYSSEANOdyssean adj. Of or pertaining to the Odyssey, an Ancient Greek epic poem by Homer.
ODYSSEAN adj. of or like an odyssey, a long wandering journey.
PAYFONESPAYFONE n. a coin-operated public telephone, also PAYPHONE.
PYRANOSEpyranose n. (Chemistry) any cyclic hemiacetal form of a monosaccharide having a six-membered ring (based on tetrahydropyran).
PYRANOSE n. a sugar present in pyran.
ROMNEYASromneyas n. Plural of romneya.
ROMNEYA n. a plant with large white flowers.
SOYBEANSsoybeans n. Plural of soybean.
soy␣beans n. Plural of soy bean.
SOYBEAN n. a bean produced by an eastern Asiatic plant.
YAWNSOMEyawnsome adj. Characterised or marked by yawning; boring; dull.
YAWNSOME adj. dull and boring; tiresome.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 67 words
  • Scrabble in French: 40 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: 23 words
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: 6 words
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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