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List of 8-letter words containing

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There are 18 eight-letter words containing A, E, N, O, S and V

AVERSIONaversion n. Opposition or repugnance of mind; fixed dislike often without any conscious reasoning.
aversion n. An object of dislike or repugnance.
aversion n. (Obsolete) The act of turning away from an object.
CAVESSONcavesson n. A part of a horse’s bridle that consists of a headstall with a noseband. When a martingale is used…
CAVESSON n. (French) a noseband for a horse.
CENTAVOScentavos n. Plural of centavo.
CENTAVO n. (Spanish) a Portuguese coin and monetary unit, one hundredth of the standard unit of currency.
CONCAVESconcaves n. Plural of concave.
concaves v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of concave.
CONCAVE v. to curve inward.
DOGVANESdogvanes n. Plural of dogvane.
DOGVANE n. a small vane to show the direction of the wind.
EVASIONSevasions n. Plural of evasion.
EVASION n. the act of evading.
FLAVONESflavones n. Plural of flavone.
FLAVONE n. a pigment derived from plants such as primrose.
NOVELLASnovellas n. Plural of novella.
Novellas prop.n. Plural of Novella.
NOVELLA n. (Italian) a short novel.
OVALNESSovalness n. The quality of being oval.
OVALNESS n. the state of being oval.
OVERMANSovermans v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of overman.
OVERMAN v. to provide with more men than needed.
OVERSMANoversman n. An overseer or superintendent.
oversman n. (Scotland, law) An umpire; a third arbiter, appointed when two arbiters disagree.
OVERSMAN n. an umpire.
RAVENOUSravenous adj. Very hungry.
ravenous adj. Grasping; characterized by strong desires.
RAVENOUS adj. extremely hungry.
STOVAINEstovaine n. Alternative form of stovain.
STOVAINE n. an anaesthetic cocaine-substitute, chiefly injected into spine.
VALONEASvaloneas n. Plural of valonea.
VALONEA n. (Italian) a tanning material, made from the acorns of a Levantine oak, also VALLONIA, VALONIA.
VENATORSVENATOR n. (Latin) a huntsman.
VERONALSVERONAL n. a barbitone.
VOLANTESvolantes n. Plural of volante.
Volantes prop.n. Plural of Volante.
VOLANTE n. (Spanish) a two-wheeled horse vehicle.
WAVESONSWAVESON n. goods floating after a shipwreck.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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