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List of 8-letter words containing

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There are 13 eight-letter words containing A, E, L, 2R and V

FLAVORERflavorer n. One who or that which flavors.
FLAVORER n. one that flavors, also FLAVOURER.
MARVELERmarveler n. US spelling of marveller.
MARVELER n. one who marvels, also MARVELLER.
NERVULARnervular adj. Relating to a nervule.
NERVULAR adj. relating to a nervule, a small branch of a nerve.
OVERLARDoverlard v. (Transitive) To cover or coat with lard.
overlard v. (Transitive, figurative) To garnish or strew excessively.
OVERLARD v. to smear over as if with lard.
RAVELERSravelers n. Plural of raveler.
RAVELER n. one who ravels, also RAVELLER.
RAVELLERraveller n. Alternative form of raveler.
RAVELLER n. one who ravels, also RAVELER.
REPROVALreproval n. The act of reproving.
REPROVAL n. censure, reproof.
REVEALERrevealer n. A person or thing that reveals.
REVEALER n. one who reveals.
REVERSALreversal n. The state of being reversed.
reversal n. An instance of reversing.
reversal n. A change in fortune; a change from being successful to having problems.
SLAVERERslaverer n. A driveler; an idiot.
SLAVERER n. one who slavers.
TRAVELERtraveler n. US standard spelling of traveller.
TRAVELER n. one who travels, also TRAVELLER.
VARLETRYvarletry n. (Obsolete) The rabble; the crowd; the mob.
VARLETRY n. (Shakespeare) a group of common people.
VULGARERvulgarer adj. Comparative form of vulgar: more vulgar.
VULGAR adj. common.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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