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List of 8-letter words containing

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There are 14 eight-letter words containing A, E, L, N and 2U

FAUNULAEFAUNULA n. the fauna of a small single environment, also FAUNULE.
FAUNULESfaunules n. Plural of faunule.
FAUNULE n. the fauna of a small single environment, also FAUNULA.
LUNULATElunulate adj. (Botany, zoology) Resembling a small crescent.
LUNULATE adj. crescent-shaped; having crescent-shaped markings, also LUNULATED.
NEURULAEneurulae n. Plural of neurula.
NEURULA n. (Greek) an embryo at the stage succeeding the gastrula, when the neural tube develops from the neural plate.
NEURULARneurular adj. Relating to a neurula.
NEURULAR adj. of or like a neurula, an embryo at the stage succeeding the gastrula.
NEURULASneurulas n. Plural of neurula.
NEURULA n. (Greek) an embryo at the stage succeeding the gastrula, when the neural tube develops from the neural plate.
NUBECULAnubecula n. (Astronomy) A nebula; specifically, the Magellanic Clouds.
nubecula n. (Medicine) A slight spot on the cornea.
nubecula n. (Medicine) A cloudy object or appearance in urine.
UNDULATEundulate v. (Transitive) To cause to move in a wavelike motion.
undulate v. (Transitive) To cause to resemble a wave.
undulate v. (Intransitive) To move in wavelike motions.
UNEQUALSunequals n. Plural of unequal.
UNEQUAL n. one who is not an equal.
UNFEUDALunfeudal adj. Not feudal.
UNFEUDAL adj. not marked by social attitudes.
UNGULATEungulate adj. Having hooves.
ungulate adj. Shaped like a hoof.
ungulate n. An ungulate animal; a hooved mammal.
UNSEXUALunsexual adj. Not sexual.
UNSEXUAL adj. not sexual.
UNUSABLEunusable adj. Not usable.
unusable n. Something that is not fit for use.
UNUSABLE adj. not usable.
UNVALUEDunvalued adj. Not having been valued or appraised.
unvalued adj. Not considered to be of worth; deemed valueless.
unvalued adj. (Obsolete) Having inestimable value; invaluable.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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