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List of 8-letter words containing

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There are 18 eight-letter words containing A, E, L, N and 2R

AIRLINERairliner n. A passenger-carrying aircraft, especially one of a fleet operated by an airline.
AIRLINER n. a large passenger aircraft.
BARRENLYbarrenly adv. Unfruitfully; unproductively.
BARREN adv. unproductive.
ENLARGERenlarger n. Any device that makes something bigger, or makes it appear bigger.
enlarger n. (Photography) An optical device used to make enlarged prints from a photographic negative.
enlarger n. (Rare) One who enlarges.
ERRANTLYerrantly adv. In an errant manner.
ERRANT adv. wandering.
FRENULARfrenular adj. (Anatomy) Relating to the frenulum.
FRENULAR adj. of or relating to a frenulum, a small stiff hair on the hindwings of some insects.
GNARLIERgnarlier adj. Comparative form of gnarly: more gnarly.
GNARLY adj. gnarled.
KNARLIERKNARLY adj. like a knarl, also GNARLY.
LARCENERlarcener n. One who commits larceny, a thief.
LARCENER n. one who commits larceny, also LARCENIST.
LEARNERSlearners n. Plural of learner.
LEARNER n. one that learns.
NEARLIERnearlier adv. (Archaic) comparative form of nearly: more nearly; more closely.
NEARLY adv. almost.
NERVULARnervular adj. Relating to a nervule.
NERVULAR adj. relating to a nervule, a small branch of a nerve.
NEURULARneurular adj. Relating to a neurula.
NEURULAR adj. of or like a neurula, an embryo at the stage succeeding the gastrula.
PRERENALprerenal adj. Situated above the kidneys, or at the junction of the vena cava and the renal vein.
prerenal adj. Occurring in the blood supply to the kidneys.
PRERENAL adj. situated in front of the kidneys.
RELEARNSrelearns v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of relearn.
RELEARN v. to learn again.
RELEARNTrelearnt v. Simple past tense and past participle of relearn.
RELEARN v. to learn again.
SNARLERSsnarlers n. Plural of snarler.
SNARLER n. one who snarls.
SNARLIERsnarlier adj. Comparative form of snarly: more snarly.
SNARLY adj. tangled.
WRANGLERwrangler n. Someone who wrangles or corrals.
wrangler n. A brawler or disputant.
wrangler n. (US) A cowboy who takes care of saddle horses.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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