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List of 8-letter words containing

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There are 19 eight-letter words containing A, E, L, N, O and V

CONCLAVEconclave n. (Roman Catholicism) A closed meeting in which the elector cardinals of the Roman Catholic Church choose a new pope.
conclave n. (Roman Catholicism) The set of apartments in which the elector cardinals are secluded while a conclave takes place.
conclave n. (Roman Catholicism) The group of cardinals involved in a conclave.
CONVEYALconveyal n. Synonym of conveyance.
CONVEYAL n. a transmission.
COVALENTcovalent adj. (Chemistry) Containing or characterized by a covalent bond.
COVALENT adj. sharing electron pairs.
FLAVONESflavones n. Plural of flavone.
FLAVONE n. a pigment derived from plants such as primrose.
LONGEVALlongeval adj. (Rare) Long-lived; longevous.
LONGEVAL adj. long-lived, also LONGAEVAL.
NOVALIKEnovalike adj. Resembling or characteristic of a nova.
NOVALIKE adj. like a nova.
NOVELLAEnovellae n. Novel thoughts or interpretations, usually associated with Jewish commentaries (see Chidush); any novel…
NOVELLA n. (Italian) a short novel.
NOVELLASnovellas n. Plural of novella.
Novellas prop.n. Plural of Novella.
NOVELLA n. (Italian) a short novel.
NOVERCALnovercal adj. Of or pertaining to a stepmother.
NOVERCAL adj. pertaining to a stepmother.
OVALNESSovalness n. The quality of being oval.
OVALNESS n. the state of being oval.
OVENABLEovenable adj. Suitable for use in an oven.
OVENABLE adj. able to be cooked in an oven.
OVERLAINoverlain v. Past participle of overlie.
OVERLAY v. to lay over.
OVERLANDoverland adj. By or across land, especially of travel.
overland adv. Over, across, or by land.
overland n. (Travel) a trip by land between the UK and the Indian Sub-continent or Australia, or between the UK and South Africa.
OVERPLANoverplan v. (Transitive) To plan in too much detail.
OVERPLAN v. to plan to excess.
RONDAVELrondavel n. (South Africa) A traditional circular design of house, typically with a conical roof, commonly thatched…
RONDAVEL n. (South African) in South Africa, a round hut with a grass roof.
VALONEASvaloneas n. Plural of valonea.
VALONEA n. (Italian) a tanning material, made from the acorns of a Levantine oak, also VALLONIA, VALONIA.
VERONALSVERONAL n. a barbitone.
VOLANTESvolantes n. Plural of volante.
Volantes prop.n. Plural of Volante.
VOLANTE n. (Spanish) a two-wheeled horse vehicle.
VOLPLANEvolplane n. A steep, controlled dive, especially by an aircraft with the engine off.
volplane v. To perform a volplane.
volplane v. (Of a bird or gliding animal) To glide.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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