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List of 8-letter words containing

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There are 18 eight-letter words containing A, E, L, M, O and Y

ALLOZYMEallozyme n. (Genetics, biochemistry) Either form of an enzyme specified by an allelic gene.
ALLOZYME n. a different form of an enzyme coded by the same allele.
AMYLOGENamylogen n. The water-soluble part of granulose.
AMYLOGEN n. the relatively soluble component of starch, also AMYLOSE.
AMYLOSESamyloses n. Plural of amylose.
AMYLOSE n. the relatively soluble component of starch, also AMYLOGEN.
ATMOLYSEatmolyse v. (Chemistry, historical, transitive) To perform atmolysis on.
ATMOLYSE v. to separate gases by diffusion, also ATMOLYZE.
ATMOLYZEatmolyze v. Alternative form of atmolyse.
ATMOLYZE v. to separate gases by diffusion, also ATMOLYSE.
CLAYMOREclaymore n. A large two-handed sword historically used by the Scottish Highlanders.
claymore n. Alternative letter-case form of Claymore (antipersonnel mine).
Claymore prop.n. An American-made anti-personnel mine designed to lay down a wide arc of steel ball bearings in order…
FLAYSOMEflaysome adj. (UK dialectal, Northern England, Scotland) Terrifying; frightful.
FLAYSOME adj. (dialect) frightening.
HOLYDAMEHOLYDAME n. (Shakespeare) holiness, a holy place, esp. in an oath, also HALIDOM, HALIDOME, HOLLIDAM, HOLYDAM.
LAYWOMENlaywomen n. Plural of laywoman.
LAYWOMAN n. a female member of the laity.
MAYPOLESmaypoles n. Plural of maypole.
may-poles n. Plural of may-pole.
MAYPOLE n. a decorated pole used in a spring celebration.
METABOLYmetaboly n. (Biology) The change in shape undergone by euglenids as they move or evolve.
METABOLY n. in biology, the capability of an organism to change shape.
MOVEABLYmoveably adv. Alternative form of movably.
MOVEABLY adv. so as to be capable of being moved, also MOVABLY.
MYELOMASmyelomas n. Plural of myeloma.
MYELOMA n. (Greek) a tumour of the bone marrow.
PLAYSOMEplaysome adj. (Dated, chiefly literary) Playful; frolicsome.
PLAYSOME adj. playful, sportive.
RAMOSELYramosely adv. In a ramose manner.
RAMOSE adv. branched, as the stem or root of a plant, also RAMATE, RAMOUS.
SOYMEALSsoymeals n. Plural of soymeal.
SOYMEAL n. the residue of the extraction of oil from soybean seeds.
TOMALLEYtomalley n. (Cooking) The hepatopancreas of a crustacean.
TOMALLEY n. (Caribbean) the liver of the lobster, which makes a green sauce when cooked.
YEOMANLYyeomanly adj. Like a yeoman: stout and true.
yeomanly adj. Of or proper to the class of yeomen in British history.
yeomanly adv. Like a yeoman: stoutly and bravely.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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