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There are 16 eight-letter words containing A, E, I, P, S and V

CAPTIVEScaptives n. Plural of captive.
CAPTIVE v. to make a prisoner.
LIPSALVElipsalve n. Alternative form of lip salve.
lip␣salve n. Lip balm.
LIPSALVE n. ointment for the lips, esp. to prevent chapping; blandishment.
PARVISESparvises n. Plural of parvis.
parvises n. Plural of parvise.
PARVISE n. an enclosed area in front of a church, also PARVIS.
PASSIVESpassives n. Plural of passive.
PASSIVE n. the passive mood of a verb.
PAVISERSPAVISER n. a soldier carrying a pavis.
PAVISSESpavisses n. Plural of pavis.
PAVIS n. a large medieval shield, also PAVISSE, PAVISE.
PECCAVISpeccavis n. Plural of peccavi.
PECCAVI n. (Latin) a confession of sin or guilt.
PLAUSIVEplausive adj. (Rare) Laudable, praisable.
plausive adj. (Obsolete) Applauding; showing praise.
plausive adj. (Obsolete) Plausible (obtaining approbation), specious (having an attractive appearance intended to…
PREVAILSprevails v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of prevail.
PREVAIL v. to triumph.
PRIVATESprivates n. Plural of private.
privates n. (Informal) The genitalia; those body parts that are not normally displayed; private parts.
privates v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of private.
SPAVINEDspavined adj. Having spavin (said of a horse).
spavined adj. Old, worn out, obsolete (said figuratively of a person).
SPAVINED adj. infected with spavin.
VAMPIESTvampiest adj. Superlative form of vampy: most vampy.
VAMPY adj. like a vamp, also VAMPISH.
VAMPIRESvampires n. Plural of vampire.
vampires v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of vampire.
VAMPIRE v. to prey upon.
VAPIDESTvapidest adj. Superlative form of vapid: most vapid.
VAPID adj. empty.
VAPORISEvaporise v. Non-Oxford British spelling standard spelling of vaporize.
VAPORISE v. to turn into vapor, also VAPORIZE.
VESPIARYvespiary n. A nest built by a social wasp species.
vespiary n. A colony of wasps living in such a nest.
VESPIARY n. a nest of wasps.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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