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There are 18 eight-letter words containing A, E, I, N, S and X

ALEXINESalexines n. Plural of alexine.
ALEXINE n. a substance in the blood which protects against disease, also ALEXIN.
ANATEXISanatexis n. (Geology) The metamorphism of plutonic rock into magma in the lower levels of the crust.
ANATEXIS n. the partial melting of rocks, esp. in the formation of metamorphic rocks.
AXINITESaxinites n. Plural of axinite.
AXINITE n. a silicate of the epidote group.
DIOXANESdioxanes n. Plural of dioxane.
DIOXANE n. a toxic flammable solvent, also DIOXAN.
DISANNEXdisannex v. (Transitive) To relinquish (Land etc.) previously annexed.
DISANNEX v. to disunite; to undo or repeal the annexation of.
EXAMINESexamines v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of examine.
EXAMINE v. to inspect.
EXPLAINSexplains v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of explain.
EXPLAIN v. to make clear and understandable.
OXAZINESoxazines n. Plural of oxazine.
OXAZINE n. any of various heterocyclic chemical compound.
PANMIXESPANMIXIS n. (Greek) random mating within a breeding population, also PANMIXIA.
RELAXINSrelaxins n. Plural of relaxin.
RELAXIN n. a hormone which has a relaxing effect on the pelvic muscles.
SAXONIESSaxonies n. Plural of Saxony.
SAXONY n. a fine soft woollen fabric.
SAXONITEsaxonite n. (Mineralogy) Harzburgite, a peridotite consisting mostly of olivine and low-calcium pyroxene.
SAXONITE n. an ultrabasic igneous rock consisting of olivine and enstatite.
SEXTAINSsextains n. Plural of sextain.
SEXTAIN n. a stanza of six lines, also SESTINA, SESTINE.
SILOXANEsiloxane n. (Chemistry) Any of a class of compound having a short repeating unit of silicon and oxygen atoms (either…
SILOXANE n. any of various polymers containing silicon and oxygen.
SIXAINESSIXAINE n. (French) a stanza of six lines, also SIXAIN.
WAXINESSwaxiness n. The quality of being waxy.
WAXINESS n. the quality of being waxy.
XERAFINSxerafins n. Plural of xerafin.
XERAFIN n. (Portuguese) a former silver coin of Goa, also SERAFIN, SERAPHIN, XERAPHIN.
XERANSISxeransis n. (Pathology) A drying of the tissues.
XERANSIS n. (Greek) a drying up.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the 1Word.ws and WikWik.org.

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