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There are 11 eight-letter words containing A, E, I, N, Q and T

ANTIQUEDantiqued v. Simple past tense and past participle of antique.
ANTIQUE v. to alter the appearance of e.g. wood to make it seem very old.
ANTIQUERantiquer n. A person who finishes furniture or objects so they have the appearance of an antique, either for decoration…
antiquer n. (Slang) A person who browses for antiques.
antiquer adj. Comparative form of antique: more antique.
ANTIQUESantiques n. Plural of antique.
antiques v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of antique.
ANTIQUE v. to alter the appearance of e.g. wood to make it seem very old.
ANTIQUEYantiquey adj. (Informal) Resembling or characteristic of antiques.
ANTIQUEY adj. having the appearance of an antique.
EQUATINGequating v. Present participle of equate.
equating n. The act by which things are equated; the evaluation of things as equivalent.
EQUATE v. to be regarded as equal.
EQUATIONequation n. The act or process of equating two or more things, or the state of those things being equal (that is, identical).
equation n. (Mathematics) An assertion that two expressions are equal, expressed by writing the two expressions…
equation n. (Astronomy) A small correction to observed values to remove the effects of systematic errors in an observation.
EQUITANTequitant adj. Mounted on, or sitting upon, a horse; riding on horseback.
equitant adj. (Botany) Overlapping at the base.
EQUITANT adj. of leaves, folded lengthwise over succeeding leaves.
QUAINTERquainter adj. Comparative form of quaint: more quaint.
QUAINT adj. pleasantly odd, also QUEINT.
QUANTILEquantile n. (Statistics) One of the class of values of a variate which divides the members of a batch or sample…
QUANTILE n. any of the values of a random variable that divides a frequency distribution.
QUANTISEquantise v. (British spelling) Alternative spelling of quantize.
QUANTISE v. to express in terms of quanta, also QUANTIZE.
QUANTIZEquantize v. (Transitive, physics) To limit the number of possible values of a quantity, or states of a system, by…
quantize v. (Transitive, telecommunications) To approximate a continuously varying signal by one whose amplitude…
quantize v. (Transitive, music) To shift each beat in a rhythmic pattern to the nearest beat of a given resolution…

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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