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There are 14 eight-letter words containing A, E, H, M, P and T

APOTHEGMapothegm n. A short, witty, instructive saying; an aphorism or maxim.
APOTHEGM n. (Greek) a short, pithy and instructive saying or formulation, also APOPHTHEGM.
APOTHEMSapothems n. Plural of apothem.
APOTHEM n. (Greek) the perpendicular from centre to the side of a polygon.
EMPATHICempathic adj. Showing or expressing empathy.
empathic adj. (Science fiction) Of, pertaining to, or being an empath: of or having the capability of sensing the…
EMPATHIC adj. involving or showing empathy, also EMPATHETIC.
EMPHATICemphatic adj. Characterized by emphasis; forceful.
emphatic adj. Stated with conviction.
emphatic adj. (Grammar) Belonging to a set of English tense forms comprising the auxiliary verb do + an infinitive without to.
EPITHEMAepithema n. (Zoology) A horny excrescence upon the beak of birds.
EPITHEMA n. (Greek) a group of leaf cells which exude water, also EPITHEM.
HAMPSTERhampster n. Obsolete form of hamster.
hampster n. Misspelling of hamster.
HAMPSTER n. a small rodent with large cheeks, also HAMSTER.
HELPMATEhelpmate n. A person who supplies help or companionship.
helpmate n. A wife or spouse.
helpmate n. (Chess) A recreational problem in chess in which both sides cooperate to achieve a specific goal.
HEPATOMAhepatoma n. (Pathology) A cancer originating in the liver.
HEPATOMA n. a tumor on the liver.
MATESHIPmateship n. (Countable and uncountable, nautical) The post of mate on a ship; a posting as mate.
mateship n. (Countable, whaling, obsolete) A type of contract between ships to cooperate and share the proceeds of an expedition.
mateship n. (Uncountable) Fellowship; companionship.
METAPHORmetaphor n. (Uncountable, rhetoric) The use of a word or phrase to refer to something other than its literal meaning…
metaphor n. (Countable, rhetoric) A word or phrase used in such implied comparison.
metaphor n. (Countable, graphical user interface) The use of an everyday object or concept to represent an underlying…
PAMPHLETpamphlet n. A small, brief printed work, consisting either of a folded sheet of paper, or several sheets bound together…
pamphlet n. (Specifically) Such a work containing political material or discussing matters of controversy.
pamphlet n. (Obsolete) A brief handwritten work.
PATHNAMEpathname n. (Computing) The full name of a computer file, including the names of any directories or subdirectories…
PATHNAME n. the name of a file or directory together with its position in relation to other directories.
SHIPMATEshipmate n. (Nautical) A fellow sailor serving on the same ship as another.
shipmate n. (Nautical, informal) Any sailor (when used as a form of address by a sailor).
SHIPMATE n. a fellow sailor.
TERAPHIMteraphim n. An idol or other image of reverence and divination among the ancient Hebrews; apparently especially…
TERAPHIM n. an image of a Semitic household god.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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