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List of 8-letter words containing

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There are 16 eight-letter words containing A, E, H, M, P and S

APOTHEMSapothems n. Plural of apothem.
APOTHEM n. (Greek) the perpendicular from centre to the side of a polygon.
CHAMPERSchampers n. (Informal) Champagne (wine).
champers n. Plural of champer.
CHAMPER n. one who champs, or bites.
EMPHASESemphases n. Plural of emphasis.
EMPHASIS n. stress imparted to something to indicate significance.
EMPHASISemphasis n. Special weight or forcefulness given to something considered important.
emphasis n. Special attention or prominence given to something.
emphasis n. Prominence given to a syllable or words, by raising the voice or printing in italic or underlined type.
HAMPSTERhampster n. Obsolete form of hamster.
hampster n. Misspelling of hamster.
HAMPSTER n. a small rodent with large cheeks, also HAMSTER.
MAGESHIPmageship n. The state or position of a mage.
mageship n. (With ’his’, ’your’, etc.) A term of address to a mage.
MAGESHIP n. the office of a sorcerer.
MATESHIPmateship n. (Countable and uncountable, nautical) The post of mate on a ship; a posting as mate.
mateship n. (Countable, whaling, obsolete) A type of contract between ships to cooperate and share the proceeds of an expedition.
mateship n. (Uncountable) Fellowship; companionship.
MISSHAPEmisshape n. (Obsolete) A misshapen person; a misshapen body.
misshape n. A misshapen object; now especially, a broken item (especially food) sold individually at a cheaper price.
misshape v. To shape badly or incorrectly.
MOPHEADSmopheads n. Plural of mophead.
mop␣heads n. Plural of mop head.
MOPHEAD n. a person with shaggy hair.
PHAEISMSPHAEISM n. duskiness, incomplete melanism (in butterflies etc.).
PHARMERSpharmers n. Plural of pharmer.
PHARMER n. one who participates in pharming.
SAMPHIREsamphire n. One of several salt-tolerant plants, some edible.
SAMPHIRE n. a fleshy coastal plant, also SAMPIRE.
SERAPHIMseraphim n. A plural of seraph.
seraphim n. (Archaic or nonstandard) Alternative form of seraph.
seraphim n. Lobophora halterata, a species of Geometrid moth.
SHEEPMANsheepman n. A shepherd.
SHEEPMAN n. a man who raises sheep.
SHIPMATEshipmate n. (Nautical) A fellow sailor serving on the same ship as another.
shipmate n. (Nautical, informal) Any sailor (when used as a form of address by a sailor).
SHIPMATE n. a fellow sailor.
WHAMPLESWHAMPLE n. (Scots) a blow.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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