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List of 8-letter words containing

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There are 14 eight-letter words containing A, E, H, 2L and S

ALLHEALSallheals n. Plural of allheal.
all-heals n. Plural of all-heal.
ALLHEAL n. a medicinal herb.
CHALLIESCHALLIE n. a soft lightweight silk, wool or cotton fabric, also CHALLIS, CHALLY, SHALLI.
DAYSHELLDAYSHELL n. (dialect) a thistle.
HALLUCEShalluces n. Plural of hallux.
HALLUX n. (Latin) the big toe; the hind toe of birds.
HALTLESShaltless adj. Without halting or pausing; ceaseless; continual.
HALTLESS adj. not hesitant.
HELLCATShellcats n. Plural of hellcat.
HELLCAT n. a spiteful or furious (esp. female) person, also HELLICAT.
HERSALLSHERSALL n. (Spenser) a rehearsal.
LASHLESSlashless adj. Without a lash.
lashless adj. Without eyelashes.
LASHLESS adj. of a whip, lacking a lash.
PELLACHSPELLACH n. (Scots) a porpoise, also PELLOCK, PELLACK.
SEASHELLseashell n. The empty shell of a marine mollusk.
seashell n. (Color) A very light pink colour, like that of some seashells.
seashell adj. Of a very light pink colour, like that of some seashell.
SELFHEALselfheal n. A small, herbaceous European plant with blue-violet flowers from any species of genus Prunella.
self-heal v. (Intransitive) To heal itself, or by itself.
self-heal n. Alternative spelling of selfheal (“Prunella”).
SHELLACKshellack n. Alternative form of shellac.
shellack v. Alternative form of shellac.
SHELLACK v. to cover with a thin varnish, also SHELLAC.
SHELLACSshellacs n. Plural of shellac.
SHELLAC v. to cover with a thin varnish, also SHELLACK.
SHIGELLAshigella n. (Bacteriology) A bacterium in the genus Shigella, some kinds of which may cause a form of dysentery…
Shigella prop.n. A taxonomic genus within the family Enterobacteriaceae – certain gram-negative bacteria, some of which…
SHIGELLA n. a rod-shaped bacterium that causes bacillary dysentery.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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