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List of 8-letter words containing

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There are 16 eight-letter words containing A, E, H, I, N and O

ADHESIONadhesion n. The ability of a substance to stick to an unlike substance.
adhesion n. Persistent attachment or loyalty.
adhesion n. An agreement to adhere.
ANECHOICanechoic adj. (Acoustics) Lacking echoes; that absorbs sound.
ANECHOIC adj. free from echoes and reverberations.
ANTIHEROantihero n. (Literature, role-playing games) A protagonist who proceeds in an unheroic manner, such as by criminal…
anti-hero n. Alternative form of antihero.
ANTIHERO n. a character with qualities opposite to those of the (conventional) hero.
APHELIONaphelion n. (Astronomy) The point in the elliptical orbit of a planet, comet, etc., where it is farthest from the Sun.
APHELION n. (Greek) the farthest point of a planet's orbit from the sun.
APHONIESaphonies n. Plural of aphony.
APHONY n. loss of voice.
BOHEMIANbohemian n. An unconventional or nonconformist artist or writer.
bohemian adj. Unconventional, especially in habit or dress.
Bohemian n. A native or resident of Bohemia.
DIAPHONEdiaphone n. A kind of organ pipe.
diaphone n. A sound signal which produces sound by means of a slotted piston moved back and forth by compressed air.
diaphone n. (Phonology) A particular dialectal variant of a phoneme; all the dialectal variants of a phoneme, considered…
ETHANOICethanoic adj. (Organic chemistry) Having the group CH3COO-.
ETHANOIC adj. as in ethanoic acid, the same as acetic acid.
EUPHONIAeuphonia n. Any of the birds of the genus Euphonia.
euphonia n. Euphony.
Euphonia prop.n. A taxonomic genus within the family Fringillidae.
HEXANOIChexanoic adj. Of or pertaining to hexanoic acid or its derivatives; caproic.
HEXANOIC adj. as in hexanoic acid, a component of palm oil.
HYOIDEANhyoidean adj. (Anatomy, zootomy, relational) Synonym of hyoid.
HYOIDEAN adj. pertaining to the hyoid, a U-shaped bone at the base of the tongue, also HYOIDAL.
INCHOATEinchoate adj. Recently started but not fully formed yet; just begun; only elementary or immature.
inchoate adj. Chaotic, disordered, confused; also, incoherent, rambling.
inchoate adj. (Law) Of a crime, imposing criminal liability for an incompleted act.
LIONHEADlionhead n. A lionhead rabbit.
lionhead n. A lionhead cichlid.
LIONHEAD n. a small long-tailed breed of rabbit.
OBEAHINGobeahing v. Present participle of obeah.
OBEAH v. to bewitch.
PHELONIAphelonia n. Plural of phelonion.
PHELONION n. a liturgical vestment, also PHAELONION.
THIONATEthionate n. (Chemistry) Any salt or ester of a thionic acid.
THIONATE n. a sulphur compound.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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