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List of 8-letter words containing

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There are 20 eight-letter words containing A, E, G, N, P and T

EGGPLANTeggplant n. (North America, Australia, New Zealand, Philippines) The plant Solanum melongena.
eggplant n. (North America, Australia, New Zealand, Philippines) The edible fruit of the Solanum melongena: an aubergine.
eggplant n. (North America) A dark purple color, like that of the skin of this fruit.
EGYPTIANEgyptian adj. Of, from, or pertaining to Egypt, the Egyptian people or the Egyptian language.
Egyptian n. A person from Egypt or of Egyptian descent.
Egyptian n. (Dated) A gypsy.
GANTLOPEgantlope n. The military punishment known as running the gauntlet.
GANTLOPE n. an armoured glove, also GANTELOPE, GANTLET, GAUNTLET.
HEPTAGONheptagon n. (Geometry) A polygon with seven sides and seven angles.
HEPTAGON n. a seven-sided polygon.
PAGEANTSpageants n. Plural of pageant.
PAGEANT n. an elaborate public spectacle.
PAGINATEpaginate v. (Transitive) To number the pages of (a book or other document); to foliate.
paginate v. (Transitive, computing) To separate (data) into batches, so that it can be retrieved with a number of…
PAGINATE v. to mark with consecutive numbers.
PANTLEGSpantlegs n. Plural of pantleg.
pant␣legs n. Plural of pant leg.
PANTLEG n. the leg part of a pair of trousers or pants.
PATHOGENpathogen n. (Pathology, immunology) Any organism or substance, especially a microorganism, capable of causing disease…
PATHOGEN n. a disease-producing organism, also PATHOGENE.
PENTAGONpentagon n. (Geometry) A polygon with five sides and five angles.
pentagon n. A fort with five bastions.
Pentagon prop.n. The headquarters of the United States Department of Defense.
PINOTAGEpinotage n. A South African grape variety.
pinotage n. A red wine made from these grapes.
PINOTAGE n. a variety of grape grown mainly in South Africa, produced by crossing Pinot with another grape; a red wine made from this grape.
PLANGENTplangent adj. Having a loud, mournful sound.
plangent adj. (Rare) Beating, dashing, as waves.
PLANGENT adj. having an expressive esp. plaintive quality.
PLANTAGEplantage n. Plants, vegetation; specifically, the planting or cultivation of plants.
PLANTAGE n. (Shakespeare) plants in general.
PLEATINGpleating v. Present participle of pleat.
pleating n. An action or arrangement in which something is pleated.
PLEATING n. a set of pleats.
PONTAGESpontages n. Plural of pontage.
PONTAGE n. a toll paid on bridges.
PREGNANTpregnant adj. (Chiefly not comparable) Carrying developing offspring within the body.
pregnant adj. (Comparable) Having numerous possibilities or implications; full of promise; abounding in ability, resources, etc.
pregnant adj. (Poetic) Fertile, prolific (Usually of soil, ground, etc.).
RETAPINGretaping v. Present participle of retape.
retaping n. A second or subsequent recording onto tape.
RETAPE v. to tape again.
SPANGLETspanglet n. A small spangle.
SPANGLET n. a sparkling bit of metal.
TAPERINGtapering v. Present participle of taper.
tapering n. A tapered shape.
TAPERING adj. becoming smaller towards one end.
TAPETINGTAPET v. (Spenser) to decorate with tapestries.
TREPANGStrepangs n. Plural of trepang.
TREPANG n. (Malay) a sea cucumber eaten as a Chinese or Japanese delicacy.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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