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List of 8-letter words containing

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There are 16 eight-letter words containing A, E, G, 2L and U

AIGUILLEaiguille n. A needle-shaped peak.
aiguille n. An instrument for boring holes, used in blasting.
AIGUILLE n. (French) a needlelike peak of rock.
FULLAGESfullages n. Plural of fullage.
FULLAGE n. a charge for fulling cloth.
GALLUSEDGALLUSED adj. suspended by galluses.
GALLUSESgalluses n. Braces/suspenders for trousers.
GALLUSES n. (dialect) braces for trousers.
GLANDULEglandule n. (Anatomy) A small gland or secreting vessel.
GLANDULE n. a small gland or secreting vessel.
GLUEBALLglueball n. (Physics) A theoretical particle composed entirely of gluons.
GLUEBALL n. a hypothetical subatomic particle consisting exclusively of gluons bound together.
GLUMELLAglumella n. Alternative form of glumelle.
GLUMELLA n. the membranous inner bract of a grass flower, aka the palea.
GLUTAEALglutaeal adj. Alternative form of gluteal.
glutæal adj. Obsolete typography of glutaeal.
GLUTAEAL adj. relating to the glutaeus, any of the three large muscles of the buttock, also GLUTEAL.
GUERILLAguerilla n. Alternative spelling of guerrilla.
GUERILLA n. a member of an irregular force engaging in warfare or in the harassment of an army, also GUERRILLA.
GULLABLEgullable adj. Archaic spelling of gullible.
GULLABLE adj. easily deceived, also GULLIBLE.
LIGULATEligulate adj. Shaped like a strap or long tongue.
ligulate adj. Having a ligule.
LIGULATE adj. like a ligula.
LINGULAElingulae n. Plural of lingula.
LINGULA n. (Latin) a tonguelike process or part.
LUGGABLEluggable n. (Computing, dated) An early portable computer, similar to a desktop computer.
luggable n. (Computing) An early portable computer, heavier than the modern laptop.
luggable n. (Computing) A portable computer that can be easily carried and moved, but cannot easily be used during travel.
SEAGULLSseagulls n. Plural of seagull.
Seagulls n. Plural of Seagull.
sea-gulls n. Plural of sea-gull.
SULLAGESsullages n. Plural of sullage.
SULLAGE n. filth; refuse; sewage.
UNGALLEDungalled adj. Not galled.
UNGALLED adj. not galled.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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