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List of 8-letter words containing

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There are 13 eight-letter words containing A, E, G, H, O and R

BEGORRAHbegorrah interj. (Ireland) Alternative spelling of begorra.
BEGORRAH interj. (Irish) an interjection attributed to Irish speakers, by God, also BEGORAH, BEGORRA.
ECHOGRAMechogram n. Sonogram.
ECHOGRAM n. a record produced by a device that uses ultrasonic waves.
ETHOGRAMethogram n. (Biology) A catalogue of the typical behaviour patterns of a species.
ETHOGRAM n. a list of the behavior patterns of a species.
GHERAOEDgheraoed v. Simple past tense and past participle of gherao.
GHERAO v. to carry out such an action.
GHERAOESgheraoes n. Plural of gherao.
GHERAO v. to carry out such an action.
GOATHERDgoatherd n. A person who herds, tends goats.
GOATHERD n. one who tends goats.
GRAMOCHEGRAMOCHE n. (Scots) a type of legging, also GAMASH, GRAMASH.
HANGOVERhangover n. Negative effects, such as headache or nausea, caused by previous drunkenness due to (excessive) consumption…
hangover n. Similar negative effects caused by previous excessive consumption of another substance, such as a drug…
hangover n. (Figurative) An unpleasant relic left from prior events.
HOMAGERShomagers n. Plural of homager.
HOMAGER n. a feudal vassal.
OVERHANGoverhang v. (Transitive) To hang over (something).
overhang v. (Intransitive) To impend.
overhang n. (Economics) The volume that tips the balance between the demand and the supply toward demand lagging supply.
PROPHAGEprophage n. (Biology) The latent form of a bacteriophage in which the viral genome is inserted into the host chromosome.
PROPHAGE n. a virus that exists in a bacterial cell and undergoes division with its host without destroying it.
ROUGHAGEroughage n. Originally (archaic), garbage, rubbish, or waste; later (agriculture) the portions of a crop which are…
roughage n. (Agriculture) Coarse or rough plant material such as hay and silage used as animal fodder.
roughage n. (Nutrition) Substances, generally of plant origin, consisting mostly of complex carbohydrates which…
SHORTAGEshortage n. A lack or deficiency; an insufficient amount.
SHORTAGE n. an insufficient supply.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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