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List of 8-letter words containing

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There are 15 eight-letter words containing A, E, 2G and 2N

AGENTINGagenting n. Working as an agent (one who acts for another).
AGENTING n. the business of an agent.
ANGELINGangeling v. Present participle of angel.
ANGEL v. to support financially.
ANGERINGangering v. Present participle of anger.
ANGER v. to make angry.
AVENGINGavenging v. Present participle of avenge.
avenging n. The act by which somebody is avenged.
AVENGE v. to take retribution for, also VENGE.
ENCAGINGencaging v. Present participle of encage.
ENCAGE v. to put in a cage, also INCAGE.
ENGAGINGengaging adj. That engages the attention; engrossing, interesting; enthralling.
engaging adj. Charming; attractive, especially of a manner or behaviour.
engaging v. Present participle of engage.
ENRAGINGenraging v. Present participle of enrage.
ENRAGE v. to make very angry.
GANGRENEgangrene n. The necrosis or rotting of flesh, usually caused by lack of blood supply.
gangrene n. (Figuratively) A damaging or corrupting influence.
gangrene v. (Transitive) To produce gangrene in.
GANGSMENgangsmen n. Plural of gangsman.
GANGSMAN n. a foreman of a gang.
GLEANINGgleaning n. Something learned by gleaning.
gleaning n. The act of collecting leftover crops from farmers’ fields after they have been commercially harvested…
gleaning n. (Ornithology) The catching of insects and other invertebrates by plucking them from within foliage…
GUNNAGESGUNNAGE n. the total number of guns carried on a warship.
MANEGINGmanèging v. Present participle of manège.
MANEGE v. (French) to train horses.
MENAGINGMENAGE v. (French) to manage.
NEGATINGnegating v. Present participle of negate.
NEGATE v. to nullify.
UNAGEINGunageing adj. Alternative form of unaging.
UNAGEING adj. not ageing, also UNAGING.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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