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List of 8-letter words containing

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There are 14 eight-letter words containing A, E, F, N, O and T

AFFRONTEaffronte n. Obsolete form of affront.
affronté adj. (Heraldry) Face to face, or with the fronts facing each other.
affronté adj. (Heraldry) Looking frontwise, or toward the viewer.
CONFLATEconflate v. To bring (things) together and fuse (them) into a single entity.
conflate v. To mix together different elements.
conflate v. (By extension) To fail to properly distinguish or keep separate (things); to mistakenly treat (them) as equivalent.
FALCONETfalconet n. A small or young falcon.
falconet n. Any of various small, tropical Asian falcons of the genus Microhierax found in Southeast Asia.
falconet n. (Military, historical) A light cannon developed in the late 15th century and decorated with an image of a falcon.
FETATIONfetation n. The formation of a fetus in the womb; pregnancy.
FETATION n. the development of a fetus, also FOETATION.
FLOREANTFLOREANT v. (Latin) may they flourish.
FONTANELfontanel n. Alternative spelling of fontanelle.
FONTANEL n. a membrane-covered gap between the immature parietal bones in the skull of a foetus or infant, also FONTANELLE.
FONTANGEfontange n. A headdress popular among aristocrats in Europe in the late 17th century and early 18th century, made…
FONTANGE n. (French) a kind of tall headdress worn in the seventeenth century.
FRONTAGEfrontage n. The front part of a property or building that faces the street.
frontage n. The land between a property and the street.
frontage n. The length of a property along a street.
HALFTONEhalftone n. (Music) Synonym of semitone, half the interval between two notes on a scale.
halftone n. (Printing) A picture made by using the process of half-toning.
halftone n. (Art) An intermediate or middle tone in a painting, engraving, photograph, etc.; a middle tint, neither…
MATFELONmatfelon n. (Obsolete) knapweed.
MATFELON n. the greater knapweed, also MATFELLON.
OLEFIANTolefiant adj. That produces oil.
OLEFIANT adj. oil-forming, as in olefiant ethylene.
PANFORTEpanforte n. A dense flat cake made with honey, hazelnuts, almonds, candied fruit, cocoa and spices; a speciality of Siena.
PANFORTE n. (Italian) a hard spicy cake.
PANTOFLEpantofle n. (Archaic, historical) A slipper.
PANTOFLE n. a slipper, an overshoe, also PANTABLE, PANTOFFLE, PANTOUFLE.
SEAFRONTseafront n. The seashore, the coast.
seafront n. The waterfront of a seaside town.
sea-front n. Alternative spelling of seafront.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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