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List of 8-letter words containing

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There are 10 eight-letter words containing A, E, F, L, M and T

FEMALITYfemality n. Femaleness.
FEMALITY n. the quality of being female.
FILAMENTfilament n. A fine thread or wire.
filament n. Such a wire, as can be heated until it glows, in an incandescent light bulb or a thermionic valve.
filament n. (Physics, astronomy) A massive, thread-like structure, such as those gaseous ones which extend outward…
FLAMELETflamelet n. A small flame.
FLAMELET n. a small flame.
FLAMEOUTflameout n. The act of flaming out or burning out; extinguishing.
flameout n. (Figurative) The act of quitting or failing, especially due to overwork or in a dramatic manner.
flameout n. The sudden extinguishing of the flame of a burner (due to obstruction of fuel or airflow).
FLAMIESTflamiest adj. Superlative form of flamy: most flamy.
FLAMY adj. flaming.
FLATMATEflatmate n. A person with whom one shares a flat.
flatmate n. (UK, Ireland, New Zealand) A person with whom one shares any rental dwelling, not necessarily a flat.
FLATMATE n. a person with whom one shares a flat.
HALFTIMEhalftime n. (US) Alternative spelling of half-time.
halftime n. (American football) The halftime show, the primary light entertainment of a game, after the second quarter…
halftime adj. (US) Alternative spelling of half-time.
MATFELONmatfelon n. (Obsolete) knapweed.
MATFELON n. the greater knapweed, also MATFELLON.
MEATLOAFmeatloaf n. A dish of ground meat (usually made from ground beef, although lamb, pork, veal, venison, poultry and…
meat␣loaf n. Alternative form of meatloaf.
MEATLOAF n. a baked loaf of ground meat.
METAFILEmetafile n. (Computing) A file in any format that can store multiple types of data, typically a graphics file format.
METAFILE n. graphical information capable of being transferred between systems or software.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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