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List of 8-letter words containing

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There are 12 eight-letter words containing A, E, F, H, S and T

FAITHERSFAITHER n. (Scots) father.
FARTHELSfarthels n. Plural of farthel.
FARTHEL n. (Scots) the quarter of a round cake of flour or oatmeal, also FARL, FARLE.
FARTHESTfarthest adj. Alternative form of furthest. (See also usage notes at further.)
farthest adv. Alternative form of furthest. (See also usage notes at further.)
FARTHEST adv. to the greatest distance, also FURTHEST.
FATHEADSfatheads n. Plural of fathead.
FATHEAD n. a dolt.
FEATHERSfeathers n. Plural of feather.
feathers v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of feather.
Feathers prop.n. Plural of Feather.
FLASHESTflashest adj. Superlative form of flash: most flash.
FLASH adj. showy, vulgar.
FRATCHESfratches n. Plural of fratch.
fratches v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of fratch.
FRATCH n. a brawl.
HASTEFULhasteful adj. (Dated) hasty; rapid; speedy.
HASTEFUL adj. hasty, hurried.
HEADFASTheadfast n. (Nautical) A rope at the bows of a ship used to fasten it to a wharf, etc.
HEADFAST n. a mooring rope.
SHAFTERSshafters n. Plural of shafter.
SHAFTER n. a shaft-horse.
SHITFACEshitface n. (Vulgar, derogatory) a contemptible person.
SHITFACE n. (vulgar) a contemptible person.
SOFTHEADsofthead n. A fool; a silly or feeble-minded person.
SOFTHEAD n. a foolish person.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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