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There are 13 eight-letter words containing A, E, F, G, O and T

FAGGOTEDfaggoted v. Simple past tense and past participle of faggot.
FAGGOT v. to bind together in a bundle, also FAGOT.
FAGOTERSfagoters n. Plural of fagoter.
FAGOTER n. one who does fagoting, a kind of embroidery.
FLOATAGEfloatage n. Alternative form of flotage.
FLOATAGE n. the act of floating, flotsam, also FLOTAGE.
FLOTAGESflotages n. Plural of flotage.
FLOTAGE n. the act of floating, also FLOATAGE.
FONTANGEfontange n. A headdress popular among aristocrats in Europe in the late 17th century and early 18th century, made…
FONTANGE n. (French) a kind of tall headdress worn in the seventeenth century.
FOOTAGESfootages n. Plural of footage.
FOOTAGE n. measurement of payment by the foot.
FOOTGEARfootgear n. Sturdy footwear.
FOOTGEAR n. covering for the feet.
FOOTPAGEfootpage n. A young man who is employed to run errands; errand boy.
FOOTPAGE n. a page, an attendant, also FOOTBOY.
FRONTAGEfrontage n. The front part of a property or building that faces the street.
frontage n. The land between a property and the street.
frontage n. The length of a property along a street.
FROTTAGEfrottage v. To rub, especially to rub onto one surface placed upon another surface that is textured, in order to…
frottage v. (Sexology) To rub parts of the body against those of another person for sexual stimulation.
frottage n. (Uncountable, art) A method of making an image by placing a piece of paper against an object and then…
GATEFOLDgatefold n. A document folding method that uses two parallel folds to create six panels; the left and right panels…
GATEFOLD n. a folded insert in a magazine or book, also FOLDOUT.
GEOFACTSgeofacts n. Plural of geofact.
GEOFACT n. a rock chipped naturally that looks like a manmade artifact.
OFFSTAGEoffstage adj. Of or relating to that part of a stage not visible to the audience.
offstage adj. Of or relating to the private life of a celebrity.
offstage adv. Taking place offstage (as above).

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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