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There are 20 eight-letter words containing A, 2E, L, O and V

ALVEOLESalveoles n. Plural of alveole.
ALVEOLE n. a small body cavity, also ALVEOLUS.
CAVEOLAEcaveolae n. Plural of caveola.
CAVEOLA n. a tiny pit in a cell membrane.
ELEVATORelevator n. Anything that raises or uplifts.
elevator n. (North America, Australia) A permanent construction with a built-in platform or cab that can be raised…
elevator n. A silo used for storing wheat, corn or other grain (grain elevator).
EVOCABLEevocable adj. That can be evoked.
EVOCABLE adj. able to be evoked.
FOVEOLAEfoveolae n. Plural of foveola.
foveolæ n. (Obsolete) plural of foveola.
FOVEOLA n. (Latin) a small fovea, also FOVEOLE, FOVEOLET.
LOVEABLEloveable adj. Alternative form of lovable.
LOVEABLE adj. worthy of love, also LOVABLE.
LOVESEATloveseat n. Alternative spelling of love seat.
love␣seat n. A small sofa for two people.
LOVESEAT n. a small sofa for two persons.
MOVEABLEmoveable adj. Alternative spelling of movable.
moveable n. Alternative spelling of movable.
MOVEABLE n. something that can be moved, also MOVABLE.
NOVELLAEnovellae n. Novel thoughts or interpretations, usually associated with Jewish commentaries (see Chidush); any novel…
NOVELLA n. (Italian) a short novel.
OVENABLEovenable adj. Suitable for use in an oven.
OVENABLE adj. able to be cooked in an oven.
OVERABLEOVERABLE adj. excessively able.
OVERHALEoverhale v. (Transitive) To draw or haul over; overhaul.
overhale v. (Transitive) To overcome.
OVERHALE v. (Spenser) to overtake, also OVERHAILE.
OVERLADEoverlade v. (Transitive) To load with too great a cargo or other burden; overburden; overload.
OVERLADE v. to load with too great a burden, also OVERLOAD.
OVERLATEoverlate adj. Too late; exceedingly late.
OVERLATE adj. too late; exceedingly late.
OVERLEAFoverleaf adv. On the other side of a page.
OVERLEAF adv. on the other side of the page.
OVERLEAPoverleap v. (Transitive) To leap over, to jump over, to cross by jumping.
overleap v. (Transitive) To pass over; to omit, leave out.
overleap v. (Dated, reflexive) To make too much effort in leaping; to leap too far.
OVERSALEoversale n. The sale of more of something than can be supplied.
OVERSALE n. the act of overselling.
OVERZEALoverzeal n. Excessive zeal.
OVERZEAL n. excess of zeal.
VOCALESEvocalese n. Jazz singing genre where the lyrics are written to melodies that were originally parts of an all-instrumental…
VOCALESE n. a type of singing in which the singer improvises words to familiar instrumental solos.
VOTEABLEvoteable adj. Alternative form of votable.
VOTEABLE adj. capable of being voted on, also VOTABLE.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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