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List of 8-letter words containing

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There are 18 eight-letter words containing A, 2E, H, L and N

ALEBENCHalebench n. (Historical) A bench at the front of an alehouse or inn where drinkers can sit.
ale-bench n. Alternative form of alebench.
ale␣bench n. Alternative form of alebench.
ANETHOLEanethole n. (Organic chemistry) A particular aromatic compound found in anise.
ANETHOLE n. an aromatic ether which is the major constituent of certain oils, e.g. anise and fennel, also ANETHOL.
ELAPHINEelaphine adj. (Zoology) Pertaining to, resembling, or characteristic of the stag, Cervus elaphus.
ELAPHINE adj. pertaining to a genus of deer.
ELEPHANTelephant n. A mammal of the order Proboscidea, having a trunk, and two large ivory tusks jutting from the upper jaw.
elephant n. (In particular) Any member of the subfamily Elephantinae not also of the genera Mammuthus and Primelephas.
elephant n. (Figuratively) Anything huge and ponderous.
ENHALOEDenhaloed v. Simple past tense and past participle of enhalo.
ENHALO v. to surround with a halo.
ENHALOESenhaloes v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of enhalo.
ENHALO v. to surround with a halo.
EXHALENTexhalent adj. Alternative form of exhalant.
exhalent n. Alternative form of exhalant.
EXHALENT n. a vessel that emits vapour or liquid, also EXHALANT.
HALENESShaleness n. The state or quality of being hale.
HALENESS n. the state of being hale.
HANSELEDhanseled v. Simple past tense and past participle of hansel.
HANSEL v. to give a good luck gift to, also HANDSEL.
HAZELHENhazelhen n. A hazel grouse.
hazel-hen n. Alternative spelling of hazelhen.
hazel␣hen n. Alternative spelling of hazelhen.
HEADLINEheadline n. (Journalism) The heading or title of a magazine or newspaper article.
headline n. (Printing, dated) The line at the top of a page containing the folio or number of the page.
headline n. (Entertainment) The top-billed attraction.
HEAVENLYheavenly adj. Of or pertaining to the heaven believed in by many religions.
heavenly adj. Synonym of celestial: of or pertaining to the heavens, the sky regarded as the realm of the sun, moon…
heavenly adj. Of or pertaining to the kingdom of God.
HYMENEALhymeneal adj. Pertaining to marriage.
hymeneal adj. Pertaining to sexual relations.
hymeneal adj. (Anatomy) Of or pertaining to the hymen.
LEATHERNleathern adj. (Dated) Made of leather.
LEATHERN adj. made of leather.
REHANDLErehandle v. (Transitive) To handle again.
REHANDLE v. to handle again.
UNHEALEDunhealed adj. Not healed.
unhealed v. Simple past tense and past participle of unheal.
UNHEAL v. (Spenser) to discover, disclose, also UNHELE.
WHALEMENwhalemen n. Plural of whaleman.
WHALEMAN n. a whaler.
WHEELMANwheelman n. (Automotive) A driver of an automobile, especially a getaway vehicle in a criminal enterprise.
wheelman n. (Nautical) The steersman on a ship.
wheelman n. (Dated, cycling) A cyclist.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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