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List of 8-letter words containing

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There are 19 eight-letter words containing A, 3E, S and T

ABSENTEEabsentee n. A person who is absent from his or her employment, school, post, duty, etc.
absentee n. (Chiefly Britain, historical) A landholder who lives in another district or country than the one in…
absentee n. One that is nonexistent or lacking.
AESTHETEaesthete n. (Often derogatory) Someone who cultivates an unusually high sensitivity to beauty, as in art or nature…
æsthete n. Obsolete form of aesthete.
AESTHETE n. a person who affects an extravagant love of art.
ARRESTEEarrestee n. A person who is under arrest.
ARRESTEE n. one that is arrested.
EAGERESTeagerest adj. Superlative form of eager: most eager.
EAGER adj. full of keen desire, also AYGRE.
EASEMENTeasement n. (Law) An interest in land which grants the legal right to use another person’s real property (real estate)…
easement n. (Architecture) An element such as a baseboard, handrail, etc., that is curved instead of abruptly changing direction.
easement n. (Archaic) Easing; relief; assistance; support.
EATERIESeateries n. Plural of eaterie.
eateries n. Plural of eatery.
EATERIE n. a restaurant, also EATERY.
ELEVATESelevates v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of elevate.
ELEVATE v. to raise.
ESTERASEesterase n. (Biochemistry) Any enzyme that catalyzes the hydrolysis of an ester.
ESTERASE n. any of a number of enzymes that catalyse the hydrolysis of an ester.
ETAGERESetageres n. Plural of etagere.
ETAGERE n. (French) a display stand with shelves for small objects or ornaments, etc.
LEGATEESlegatees n. Plural of legatee.
LEGATEE n. the inheritor of a legacy, also LEGATARY.
RESEATEDreseated v. Simple past tense and past participle of reseat.
RESEAT v. to seat again.
SELENATEselenate n. (Chemistry) any salt or ester of selenic acid.
selenate v. (Chemistry) To react with a compound of selenium.
SELENATE n. a salt of selenic acid.
SERENATEserenate n. Obsolete form of serenade.
SERENATE v. to calm, make serene.
STEERAGEsteerage n. (Uncountable) The art of steering.
steerage n. (Countable) The section of a passenger ship that provided inexpensive accommodation with no individual cabins.
steerage n. (Countable) The effect of the helm on a ship.
TEASELEDteaseled v. Simple past tense and past participle of teasel.
TEASEL v. to raise a nap on fabric, also TEAZEL, TEAZLE.
TEASELERteaseler n. One who uses teasels for raising a nap on cloth.
TEASELER n. one who uses teasels for raising a nap on cloth, also TEASELLER.
TEENAGESTEENAGE n. the age between 13 and 20.
TELESALEtelesale n. A sale made through telemarketing.
TELESALE n. a sale made on the telephone.
TESSERAEtesserae n. Plural of tessera.
TESSERA n. (Latin) a small piece of stone, glass or tile used in mosaic.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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