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List of 8-letter words containing

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There are 17 eight-letter words containing A, D, 2N, O and S

ABANDONSabandons n. Plural of abandon.
abandons n. (Plural only, archaic, British slang) Abandoned children; foundlings.
abandons n. (Plural only, archaic, British slang) Prostitutes.
ANDIRONSandirons n. Plural of andiron.
ANDIRON n. a metal support for logs in a fireplace, a firedog, also ENDIRON.
ANODYNESanodynes n. Plural of anodyne.
ANODYNE n. a medicine that relieves pain.
BONDSMANbondsman n. A male slave.
bondsman n. A male indentured servant.
bondsman n. Someone who signs a bond that states that they have taken responsibility for someone else’s obligations.
DIPNOANSdipnoans n. Plural of dipnoan.
DIPNOAN n. a lungfish.
FONDANTSfondants n. Plural of fondant.
FONDANT n. (French) a soft sweet made with flavoured sugar and water.
GRANDSONgrandson n. A son of one’s child.
GRANDSON n. the son of one's son or daughter.
MADONNASmadonnas n. Plural of madonna.
Madonnas prop.n. Plural of Madonna.
MADONNA n. (Italian) a former Italian title of respect for a woman.
MONDAINSMONDAIN n. (French) a (male) person who lives in fashionable society, also MONDAINE.
NANODOTSnanodots n. Plural of nanodot.
NANODOT n. a small cluster of metal atoms which can store much data.
NONACIDSnonacids n. Plural of nonacid.
NONACID n. a substance that is not an acid.
NOONDAYSnoondays n. Plural of noonday.
NOONDAY n. the middle of the day.
NORLANDSNorlands n. Plural of Norland.
NORLAND n. a region in the north.
NOSEBANDnoseband n. The part of a bridle or halter that goes over the nose of an animal, particularly a horse.
NOSEBAND n. a strap passing round the nose of a horse, suspended by its own headpiece fitted under the bridle.
SNOWLANDsnowland n. A snowy region or snowscape.
SNOWLAND n. an area marked by a great amount of snow.
SOUNDMANsoundman n. (Cinematography) A technician who works with the sound recording and sound effects for films and television.
SOUNDMAN n. a person who controls the quality of sound.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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