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There are 18 eight-letter words containing A, D, L, N, O and T

ANTICOLDanticold adj. Acting against or serving to prevent colds (viral illnesses).
ANTICOLD adj. effective against the common cold.
COTLANDScotlands n. Plural of cotland.
COTLAND n. land belonging to a cottage.
DALTONICdaltonic adj. Suffering from Daltonism; colour blind, especially red-green colour blind.
Daltonic adj. Of or pertaining to the chemist John Dalton, Daltonian.
Daltonic adj. Colour blind, especially red-green colour blind.
DELATIONdelation n. (Obsolete) Conveyance.
delation n. (Law) An accusation or charge brought against someone, especially by an informer; the act of accusing someone.
DELATION n. the act of informing against someone.
DILATIONdilation n. The act of dilating.
dilation n. State of being dilated; expansion; dilatation.
dilation n. (Obsolete) Delay.
DUATHLONduathlon n. An athletic contest consisting of running and cycling.
DUATHLON n. an athletic event where everyone runs and cycles.
LENTANDOlentando adj. (Music) Alternative form of rallentando.
LENTANDO adv. (Italian) of music, becoming slower.
NODALITYnodality n. The quality or degree of being nodal.
NODALITY n. the state of being nodal.
NONADULTnonadult adj. Not adult.
nonadult n. One who is not an adult.
NONADULT n. a person who is not an adult.
NONTIDALnontidal adj. Not tidal.
NONTIDAL adj. not tidal.
OUTLANDSoutlands n. Exurbia: the country beyond the city.
outlands n. Plural of outland.
OUTLAND n. an outlying land or territory.
PORTLANDportland n. The land around a port.
Portland prop.n. The largest city in Oregon, United States and the county seat of Multnomah County; named for the city in Maine.
Portland prop.n. The largest city in Maine, United States and the county seat of Cumberland County; named for the Isle of Portland.
SALTANDOsaltando adv. (Music) Played with a rapid, bouncing stroke of the bow on a stringed instrument.
SALTANDO n. (Italian) a short, bouncing bow stroke resulting in a staccato sound, also SALTATO.
SANDLOTSsandlots n. Plural of sandlot.
SANDLOT n. a vacant plot of sandy land in a town, esp. one used by children for playing sport and games.
TOWNLANDtownland n. (Ireland) A geographical unit of land smaller than a parish.
TOWNLAND n. esp. in Ireland, a division of land of varying extent; a township.
TOYLANDSTOYLAND n. the toy industry.
TRINODALtrinodal adj. Having three nodes.
TRINODAL adj. having three nodes.
TROLANDStrolands n. Plural of troland.
TROLAND n. a unit of measurement of retinal response to light.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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