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List of 8-letter words containing

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There are 18 eight-letter words containing A, D, I, 2S and U

DEASIULSDEASIUL n. (Scots) motion in the same direction as the sun, also DEASIL, DEASOIL, DEISEAL, DEISHEAL.
DISABUSEdisabuse v. (Transitive) to free (someone) of a misconception or misapprehension; to unveil a falsehood held by (someone).
DISABUSE v. to free from false ideas.
DISSUADEdissuade v. (Transitive) To convince not to try or do.
DISSUADE v. to persuade not to do something.
DISUSAGEdisusage n. Gradual cessation of custom or use; disuse.
DISUSAGE n. gradual cessation of use.
DUALISESdualises v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of dualise.
DUALISE v. to make twofold, also DUALIZE.
DUALISMSdualisms n. Plural of dualism.
DUALISM n. the doctrine of two distinct principles of good and evil, or of two divine beings of these characters.
DUALISTSdualists n. Plural of dualist.
DUALIST n. an adherent of dualism.
DUMAISTSdumaists n. Plural of dumaist.
DUMAIST n. (Russian) a member of the duma, the Russian parliament.
DYSURIASdysurias n. Plural of dysuria.
DYSURIA n. pain in passing urine, also DYSURY.
GUISARDSguisards n. Plural of guisard.
GUISARD n. a person in disguise; a masker; a mummer, also GUISER, GUIZER.
RADIUSESradiuses n. Plural of radius.
RADIUS n. (Latin) the shorter and thicker of the two arm bones.
SAUROIDSSAUROID n. a type of fish.
STADIUMSstadiums n. Plural of stadium.
STADIUM n. a race course, sports ground.
SUBIDEASsubideas n. Plural of subidea.
SUBIDEA n. an inferior idea.
SUDARIESsudaries n. Plural of sudary.
SUDARY n. a cloth for wiping the face, also SUDARIUM.
SUIDIANSSUIDIAN n. a member of the pig family, also SUID.
SUNDARISsundaris n. Plural of sundari.
SUNDARI n. (Sanskrit) an East Indian tree, also SUNDRA, SUNDRI.
SUNDIALSsundials n. Plural of sundial.
SUNDIAL n. a type of time-telling device.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the 1Word.ws and WikWik.org.

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