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List of 8-letter words containing

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There are 18 eight-letter words containing A, D, I, 2N and U

ANTIDUNEantidune n. (Geomorphology) A bedform found in fluvial environments, opposing the direction of flow.
ANTIDUNE n. a sandhill that forms a steep slope against the direction of the prevailing current.
DAUNTINGdaunting adj. Discouraging; inspiring fear.
daunting adj. Intimidatingly impressive; awe-inspiring, overwhelming.
daunting adj. Appearing to be difficult; challenging.
DISANNULdisannul v. To annul, do away with; to cancel.
DISANNUL v. to annul completely.
DUNNAKINdunnakin n. (Uncommon) Alternative form of dunnekin (“outhouse”).
DUNNAKIN n. an outside lavatory, also DUNNY, DONNIKER.
GUANIDINguanidin n. Alternative form of guanidine.
GUANIDIN n. a strongly basic compound used in organic synthesis, also GUANIDINE.
INUNDANTinundant adj. Overflowing.
INUNDANT adj. overflowing.
INUNDATEinundate v. To cover with large amounts of water; to flood.
inundate v. To overwhelm.
INUNDATE v. to fill with overflowing abundance.
MAUNDINGmaunding v. Present participle of maund.
MAUND v. (obsolete) to beg.
NUDATIONnudation n. The act of stripping, or making bare or naked.
NUDATION n. the act of making bare.
NUNDINALnundinal adj. Of or pertaining to a nundine.
nundinal n. A nundinal letter.
NUNDINAL n. any of the letters from A to H relating to days of the ancient Roman calendar.
UNCANDIDuncandid adj. Not candid; duplicitous, concealing or secretive.
UNCANDID adj. not candid.
UNDARINGundaring adj. Not daring; unadventurous.
UNDARING adj. not daring.
UNDATINGUNDATE v. to remove a date from.
UNFADINGunfading adj. Not fading; not losing its color or intensity, or being forgotten.
UNFADING adj. not fading.
UNLADINGunlading v. Present participle of unlade.
unlading n. The removal of cargo from a vessel.
UNLADING n. the act of unlading.
UNNAILEDunnailed v. Simple past tense and past participle of unnail.
UNNAIL v. to remove the nails from.
UNPAINEDunpained adj. Not pained.
UNPAINED adj. not pained.
UNSAINEDunsained adj. (Archaic) Not sained; unblessed.
UNSAINED adj. unblessed.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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