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List of 8-letter words containing

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There are 14 eight-letter words containing A, D, I, M and 2N

AMANDINEamandine n. A cosmetic cream prepared from almonds.
amandine n. The vegetable casein of almonds.
amandine adj. (Cooking) Served with almonds.
AMENDINGamending v. Present participle of amend.
AMEND v. to correct, improve.
DEMONIANdemonian adj. Relating to, or having the nature of, a demon.
DEMONIAN adj. characteristic of a demon, also DEMONIC.
DOMINANTdominant n. (Music) The fifth major tone of a musical scale (five major steps above the note in question); thus…
dominant n. (Music) The triad built on the dominant tone.
dominant n. (Genetics) A gene that is dominant.
INDAMINEindamine n. (Chemistry) any of a range of organic bases related to phenazine; they form indigo-coloured salts used in making dyes.
INDAMINE n. any unstable organic base whose salts are blue or green dyes, also INDAMIN.
INDAMINSindamins n. Plural of indamin.
INDAMIN n. any unstable organic base whose salts are blue or green dyes, also INDAMINE.
LANDMINElandmine n. Alternative spelling of land mine.
landmine v. (Transitive) To sow (an area) with land mines.
land␣mine n. (Military) A mine that is placed on land and designed to explode when stepped upon or touched.
MAINLANDmainland n. The continent; the principal land, as distinguished from islands or a peninsula.
mainland n. The principal island of a group.
Mainland prop.n. The largest island in the Orkney Islands council area, to the north of Scotland.
MANDARINmandarin n. (Historical) A high government bureaucrat of the Chinese Empire.
mandarin n. A pedantic or elitist bureaucrat.
mandarin n. (Often derogatory) A pedantic senior person of influence in academia or literary circles.
MANDOLINmandolin n. (Music) A stringed instrument of the lute family, having eight strings in four courses, frequently tuned…
mandolin n. A kitchen tool for julienning vegetables.
MANDOLIN n. a musical instrument of the lute kind, also MANDOLINE.
MANKINDSMANKIND n. the human race.
MAUNDINGmaunding v. Present participle of maund.
MAUND v. (obsolete) to beg.
MONDAINEMONDAINE n. (French) a (female) person who lives in fashionable society, also MONDAIN.
MONDAINSMONDAIN n. (French) a (male) person who lives in fashionable society, also MONDAINE.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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