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List of 8-letter words containing

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There are 20 eight-letter words containing A, D, I, L, N and P

DAPPLINGdappling v. Present participle of dapple.
dappling n. A dappled pattern.
DAPPLE v. to mark with spots.
DISPLANTdisplant v. (Transitive, archaic) To remove anything from where it has been planted or placed; to drive a person from their home.
DISPLANT v. to uproot; to remove from a town or country of settlement.
LANDSKIPlandskip n. Obsolete form of landscape.
LANDSKIP n. (archaic) a landscape, also LANTSKIP.
LANDSKIP v. to landscape.
LANDSLIPlandslip n. The sliding of a mass of land down a slope or cliff; a landslide.
LANDSLIP n. the fall of a mass of earth.
PADDLINGpaddling v. Present participle of paddle.
paddling n. The act of using a paddle.
paddling n. An act of corporal punishment consisting of spanking the buttocks with a paddle.
PALADINSpaladins n. Plural of paladin.
PALADIN n. a knightly champion.
PALINODEpalinode n. An ode or other poem in which the author retracts something said in an earlier poem; (loosely) a recantation.
PALINODE n. a poem which retracts an earlier poem, also PALINODY.
PALINODYpalinody n. Obsolete form of palinode.
PALINODY n. a poem which retracts an earlier poem, also PALINODE.
PALUDINEpaludine adj. Of or relating to a marsh.
PANICLEDpanicled adj. (Botany) Furnished with, or arranged in, panicles; paniculate.
PANICLED adj. having a panicle.
PANTILEDpantiled adj. Covered with pantiles.
PANTILED adj. roofed with pantiles.
PEDALINGpedaling v. Present participle of pedal.
pedaling n. (Music) The set of pedal movements to be performed when playing a piano or organ.
PEDAL v. to operate by means of foot levers.
PINELANDpineland n. A forested area with an abundance of pine trees.
PINELAND n. land forested with pine.
PLAIDINGplaiding n. Plaid cloth.
PLAIDING n. a strong woollen fabric.
PLAIDMANplaidman n. A man who wears a plaid.
PLAIDMAN n. a Highlander.
PLAIDMENplaidmen n. Plural of plaidman.
PLAIDMAN n. a Highlander.
PLEADINGpleading n. The act of making a plea.
pleading n. (Law) A document filed in a lawsuit, particularly a document initiating litigation or responding to…
pleading v. Present participle of plead.
PRANDIALprandial adj. Of or pertaining to a meal, especially dinner.
PRANDIAL adj. of or relating to a meal.
SANDPILEsandpile n. A pile of sand.
sandpile n. (Mathematics, computing) Any of several models in which a series of connected nodes interact with their…
SANDPILE n. a pile of sand.
SPANDRILspandril n. Alternative spelling of spandrel.
SPANDRIL n. a space between two adjoining arches, also SPANDREL.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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