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List of 8-letter words containing

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There are 18 eight-letter words containing A, D, I, 2L and P

ILLAPSEDillapsed v. Simple past tense and past participle of illapse.
ILLAPSE v. to glide in.
LANDSLIPlandslip n. The sliding of a mass of land down a slope or cliff; a landslide.
LANDSLIP n. the fall of a mass of earth.
LIPOIDALlipoidal adj. Relating to or resembling fat.
LIPOIDAL adj. like fat.
PAILLARDpaillard n. A slice of meat pounded thin and grilled.
paillard n. Alternative form of palliard.
PAILLARD n. (French) a slice of meat pounded flat and grilled.
PALLADIApalladia n. Plural of palladium.
PALLADIUM n. a metallic element resembling platinum.
PALLADICpalladic adj. Of or pertaining to palladium.
PALLADIC adj. of or containing palladium in the trivalent or tetravalent state.
PALLIARDpalliard n. (Archaic) A beggar or vagrant, especially a professional one; (earlier especially) a lecher.
PALLIARD n. (obsolete) a professional beggar; a vagabond.
PALLIDERpallider adj. Comparative form of pallid: more pallid.
PALLID adj. pale, wan.
PALLIDLYpallidly adv. In a pallid manner.
PALLID adv. pale, wan.
PHALLOIDphalloid adj. Resembling a penis.
phalloid n. Any fungus of the genus Phallus.
PHALLOID adj. phallus shaped.
PHIALLEDphialled v. Simple past tense and past participle of phial.
PHIAL v. to keep in a small bottle, also VIAL.
PILLAGEDpillaged v. Simple past tense and past participle of pillage.
PILLAGE v. to plunder.
PILLAREDpillared adj. Having pillars.
pillared v. Simple past tense and past participle of pillar (verb).
PILLAR v. to supply with vertical building supports.
PILLHEADpillhead n. (Slang) A person who habitually takes tranquilizers, amphetamines, barbiturates, and other drugs, in…
PILLHEAD n. a regular, usually addicted taker of sedative or stimulant pills.
PLACIDLYplacidly adv. In a placid manner.
PLACID adv. calm in nature.
POLOIDALpoloidal adj. Of, pertaining to, or shaped like a poloid.
poloidal adj. (Physics) Between the poles of a magnet.
POLOIDAL adj. of a magnetic field, generated by an electric current flowing in a ring.
SPADILLEspadille n. The ace of spades in ombre and quadrille.
SPADILLE n. the ace of spades in the game of ombre, also SPADILLIO, SPADILLO.
SPADILLOspadillo n. (Card games).
SPADILLO n. (obsolete) the ace of spades in the game of ombre, also SPADILLE, SPADILLIO.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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