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List of 8-letter words containing

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There are 11 eight-letter words containing A, D, 2I, P and R

DIAPIRICdiapiric adj. Of or relating to a diapir.
DIAPIRIC adj. of or like diapir, an anticlinal fold in which the overlying rock has been pierced by material from beneath.
IMPAIREDimpaired adj. Rendered less effective.
impaired adj. Inebriated, drunk.
impaired v. Simple past tense and past participle of impair.
PERIDIALperidial adj. Relating to the peridium.
PERIDIAL adj. relating to a peridium, the envelope or coat of certain fungi.
PERRADIIperradii n. Plural of perradius.
PERRADIUS n. the primary radius of a coelenterate.
PINDARISPindaris n. Plural of Pindari.
PINDARI n. (Hindi) an Indian mercenary, also PINDAREE.
PRAIRIEDprairied adj. Provided with prairie land.
PRAIRIED adj. having prairie land.
PRESIDIApresidia n. Plural of presidium.
PRESIDIUM n. (Latin) a standing committee in the former Soviet Union, also PRAESIDIUM.
RAPIDITYrapidity n. Speed, swiftness; the condition of being rapid.
rapidity n. (Physics) A measure of velocity relative to the speed of light.
rapidity n. (Physics) A measure of the velocity of a particle in a beam relative to the beam’s axis.
SPORIDIAsporidia n. Plural of sporidium.
SPORIDIUM n. a secondary spore, or a filament produced from a spore, in certain kinds of minute fungi.
TAPIROIDtapiroid adj. (Zoology) Related to the tapir.
tapiroid n. Any perissodactyl of the superfamily Tapiroidea.
TAPIROID n. any member of the tapir family.
TRIPUDIAtripudia n. Plural of tripudium.
TRIPUDIUM n. (Latin) an ancient Roman religious dance in triple time.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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