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List of 8-letter words containing

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There are 12 eight-letter words containing A, D, 2I, M and R

ADMIRINGadmiring adj. Feeling or showing admiration.
admiring v. Present participle of admire.
admiring n. Admiration.
CORMIDIAcormidia n. Plural of cormidium.
CORMIDIUM n. (Latin) the assemblage of individuals dangling in clusters from the main stem of pelagic siphonophores.
DIORAMICdioramic adj. Pertaining to a diorama.
DIORAMIC adj. pertaining to a diorama, an exhibition of translucent pictures seen through an opening with lighting effects.
IDIOGRAMidiogram n. Karyogram.
IDIOGRAM n. a diagram of chromosomes in pairs.
IMPAIREDimpaired adj. Rendered less effective.
impaired adj. Inebriated, drunk.
impaired v. Simple past tense and past participle of impair.
MERIDIANmeridian adj. Relating to a meridian (in various senses); meridional.
meridian adj. (Archaic except literary) Relating to midday or noon.
meridian adj. (Obsolete).
MIDBRAINmidbrain n. (Neuroanatomy) A part of the brain located rostral to the pons and caudal to the thalamus and the basal…
MIDBRAIN n. the middle region of the brain.
MILLIARDmilliard num. (Now rare) 109, a thousand (times a) million. (Now generally replaced by the short scale billion.)
MILLIARD n. (French) a thousand million.
MUDIRIASmudirias n. Plural of mudiria.
MUDIRIA n. (Arabic) the province or office of a mudir, a local governor, also MUDIRIEH.
RAMIFIEDramified v. Simple past tense and past participle of ramify.
RAMIFY v. to divide into branches.
SEMIARIDsemiarid adj. Somewhat arid, receiving little rainfall but more than an arid area would. Typically defined as 25 to…
semi-arid adj. Alternative form of semiarid.
SEMIARID adj. receiving between 10 and 20 inches of precipitation annually.
TRIADISMtriadism n. Belief in a triad.
TRIADISM n. the state of being a triad.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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