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List of 8-letter words containing

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There are 13 eight-letter words containing A, D, G, H, I and N

ADHERINGadhering v. Present participle of adhere.
ADHERE v. to become or remain attached or close to something.
DAYCHINGDAYCH v. (dialect) to thatch.
DEASHINGdeashing v. Present participle of deash.
DEASH v. to remove ash from.
HANDGRIPhandgrip n. A handle.
handgrip n. A covering (often rubber or foam) on a handle, designed to allow the user a more comfortable or more…
handgrip n. A handshake; a way of gripping hands with another person.
HANDLINGhandling n. A touching, controlling, managing, using, take care of, etc., with the hand or hands, or as with the hands.
handling n. (Obsolete) The mechanism for handling or manipulating something.
handling n. (Art) The mode of using the pencil or brush; style of touch.
HANGBIRDhangbird n. The Baltimore oriole (Icterus galbula), whose nest is suspended from the limb of a tree.
HANGBIRD n. the Baltimore oriole, so called because its nest is suspended from the limb of a tree, also HANGNEST.
HEADINGSheadings n. Plural of heading.
HEADING n. a title.
HEADRINGheadring n. A band of hair and grass worn on the head by married Zulu men.
HEADRING n. a palm-leaf ornament worn in the hair by South African men after marriage.
HEALDINGhealding v. Present participle of heald.
HEALD v. (obsolete) to heel, incline on one side.
HIGHLANDhighland n. A high area; land that is higher than surrounding areas.
Highland adj. Of or related to Highland or the Highlands.
Highland prop.n. A council area in north-west Scotland, one of 32 created in 1996.
HOARDINGhoarding n. (UK) A temporary fence-like structure built around building work to add security and prevent accidents to the public.
hoarding n. A roofed wooden shield placed over the battlements of a castle and projecting from them.
hoarding n. (Chiefly Britain or India) A billboard.
SHADINGSshadings n. Plural of shading.
SHADING n. protection against light or heat.
SHEADINGsheading n. Any of the six administrative districts into which the Isle of Man is divided.
SHEADING n. an administrative division on the Isle of Man.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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