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List of 8-letter words containing

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There are 10 eight-letter words containing A, D, F, O, S and T

CATFOODScatfoods n. Plural of catfood.
cat␣foods n. Plural of cat food.
CATFOOD n. food for cats.
FACTOIDSfactoids n. Plural of factoid.
FACTOID n. a statement said so often that it is believed to be true.
FADEOUTSfadeouts n. Plural of fadeout.
fade-outs n. Plural of fade-out.
fade␣outs n. Plural of fade out.
FATWOODSfatwoods n. Plural of fatwood.
FATWOOD n. wood used for kindling.
FONDANTSfondants n. Plural of fondant.
FONDANT n. (French) a soft sweet made with flavoured sugar and water.
FOOTPADSfootpads n. Plural of footpad.
footpads v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of footpad.
foot-pads n. Plural of foot-pad.
HOLDFASTholdfast n. Something to or by which an object can be securely fastened.
holdfast n. (Biology) A root-like structure that anchors aquatic sessile organisms, such as seaweed, other sessile…
holdfast n. (Archaic, medicine) Actinomycosis.
SOFTHEADsofthead n. A fool; a silly or feeble-minded person.
SOFTHEAD n. a foolish person.
STANDOFFstandoff n. A device which maintains a fixed distance between two objects, especially between a surface and a sign…
standoff n. A deadlocked confrontation between antagonists.
standoff adj. (Military) For use at a distance sufficient from the target to allow defensive fire to be evaded.
TOADFISHtoadfish n. Any fish thought to resemble a toad.
TOADFISH n. a toadlike marine fish.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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