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List of 8-letter words containing

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There are 9 eight-letter words containing A, D, F, I, S and T

DAFFIESTdaffiest adj. Superlative form of daffy: most daffy.
DAFFY adj. daft.
DISTAFFSdistaffs n. Plural of distaff.
DISTAFF n. a type of staff.
FACTOIDSfactoids n. Plural of factoid.
FACTOID n. a statement said so often that it is believed to be true.
FADDIESTfaddiest adj. Superlative form of faddy: most faddy.
FADDY adj. inclined to take up fads, also FADDISH.
FADDISTSfaddists n. Plural of faddist.
FADDIST n. a faddish person.
FATBIRDSFATBIRD n. a wading bird.
INDRAFTSindrafts n. Plural of indraft.
INDRAFT n. a drawing in; an inward flow of air, also INDRAUGHT.
SAFETIEDsafetied v. Simple past tense and past participle of safety.
safetied adj. (Firearms) On which the safety mechanism is engaged.
SAFETY v. to protect against failure, breakage or accident.
TOADFISHtoadfish n. Any fish thought to resemble a toad.
TOADFISH n. a toadlike marine fish.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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