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There are 20 eight-letter words containing A, D, E, F, N and R

DEARNFULdearnful adj. (Obsolete) Alternative form of dernful.
DEARNFUL adj. solitary; mournful, also DERNFUL.
ENFRAMEDenframed v. Simple past tense and past participle of enframe.
ENFRAME v. to put in a frame.
FABURDENfaburden n. (Music) A kind of counterpoint with a drone bass.
faburden n. (Music) A succession of chords of the sixth.
faburden n. (Obsolete) A refrain.
FANFAREDfanfared v. Simple past tense and past participle of fanfare.
fanfared adj. (Music) Characterized by fanfares.
fanfared adj. Celebrated; greeted or publicized with enthusiasm or ceremony.
FILANDERfilander n. (Archaic) A pademelon.
FILANDER n. a threadlike intestinal worm in hawks.
FOREHANDforehand n. (Racket sports) A stroke in which the palm of the hand faces the direction of the stroke.
forehand n. (Disc sports) A throw similar to a sidearm throw in baseball, where the disc remains on the throwing-arm…
forehand n. All of the part of a horse which is before the rider.
FORELANDforeland n. A headland.
foreland n. (Geology) In plate tectonics, the zone adjacent to a mountain chain where material eroded from it is deposited.
FORELAND n. a projecting mass of land.
FREDAINEfredaine n. A prank; an escapade.
FREDAINE n. (French) an escapade or prank.
FREEDMANfreedman n. A man who has been released from a condition of slavery.
Freedman prop.n. A surname.
FREEDMAN n. a man who has been freed from slavery.
FREEHANDfreehand adj. Drawn using the hand without any helping device.
freehand v. To conduct a procedure involving use of the hands without any helping device or guide.
free-hand adj. Alternative form of freehand.
FRIANDESFRIANDE n. (French) a (female) epicure.
FRONDAGEfrondage n. The fronds of plants generally.
FRONDAGE n. fronds collectively.
FURNACEDfurnaced adj. (In combinations) having a particular type or number of furnaces.
furnaced v. Simple past tense and past participle of furnace.
FURNACE v. to subject to heat.
INFRAREDinfrared n. (Uncountable) The electromagnetic radiation of a wavelength longer than visible light, but shorter than…
infrared n. (Countable) A specific wavelength in this range.
infrared n. (Countable) A device that emits infrared radiation.
PANFRIEDpanfried adj. Alternative spelling of pan-fried.
pan-fried v. Simple past tense and past participle of pan-fry.
pan␣fried v. Simple past tense and past participle of pan fry.
PROFANEDprofaned adj. Treated with irreverence or without due respect.
profaned v. Simple past tense and past participle of profane.
PROFANE v. to treat with irreverence or insult.
SNARFLEDsnarfled v. Simple past tense and past participle of snarfle.
SNARFLE v. to snarl.
UNFAIREDunfaired adj. Not having been faired.
UNFAIR v. (Shakespeare) to deprive of beauty.
UNFEAREDunfeared adj. Not feared.
UNFEARED adj. not feared.
UNFRAMEDunframed adj. Not framed; not having a frame.
UNFRAMED adj. not framed.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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