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List of 8-letter words containing

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There are 20 eight-letter words containing A, 2D, E, N and T

ADDUCENTadducent adj. (Physiology) Related to the muscles of the body which pull one part towards another.
ADDUCENT adj. drawing inward or together, as a muscle does.
ATTENDEDattended v. Simple past tense and past participle of attend.
attended adj. Attending.
ATTEND v. to be present at.
BEDSTANDbedstand n. Nightstand.
BEDSTAND n. a table beside a bed.
DAMNDESTdamndest adj. Alternative form of damnedest.
DAMNDEST n. utmost effort, in phrase to do one's damndest, also DAMNEDEST, DAMNEST.
DANDIESTdandiest adj. Superlative form of dandy: most dandy.
DANDY adj. fine.
DANTONEDdantoned v. Simple past tense and past participle of danton.
DANTON v. to dare, also DAUNTON.
DARNDESTdarndest adj. Alternative spelling of darnedest.
darndest n. Alternative spelling of darnedest.
DARNDEST n. one's utmost, also DARNEST.
DECADENTdecadent adj. Characterized by moral or cultural decline.
decadent adj. Luxuriously self-indulgent.
decadent n. A person affected by moral decay.
DECANTEDdecanted v. Simple past tense and past participle of decant.
DECANT v. to pour from one container to another.
DEDICANTdedicant n. One who dedicates something.
DEDICANT n. a person who dedicates.
DENTATEDdentated adj. Dentate.
DENTATED adj. having teeth, also DENTATE.
DENUDATEdenudate v. (Obsolete, rare) To denude.
DENUDATE v. to strip of all covering, also DENUDE.
DETAINEDdetained v. Simple past tense and past participle of detain.
DETAIN v. to hold in custody.
DRAUNTEDDRAUNT v. (dialect) to drawl, to drone, also DRANT.
ENDARTEDendarted v. Simple past tense and past participle of endart.
ENDART v. (Shakespeare) to dart in, also INDART.
INDARTEDindarted v. Simple past tense and past participle of indart.
INDART v. (Shakespeare) to dart in, also ENDART.
MANDATEDmandated adj. Required, mandatory.
mandated v. Simple past tense and past participle of mandate.
MANDATE v. to issue with a mandate.
STRANDEDstranded v. Simple past tense and past participle of strand.
stranded adj. (Of a person) Abandoned or marooned.
stranded adj. (Nautical, of a vessel) Run aground on a shore or reef.
TIDELANDtideland n. The area at the shore that is exposed to the effects of the tide.
TIDELAND n. land covered and uncovered by the tide.
UNTRADEDuntraded adj. Not traded in or bartered.
untraded adj. (Obsolete) Not dealt with in trade; not visited for purposes of trade.
untraded adj. (Obsolete) Unpracticed; inexperienced.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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