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List of 8-letter words containing

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There are 16 eight-letter words containing A, C, O, 2S and U

CAESIOUScaesious adj. Having a blue color very low in chroma.
cæsious adj. Alternative spelling of caesious.
CAESIOUS adj. having a bluish coating, also CESIOUS.
CAROUSEScarouses v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of carouse.
carouses n. Plural of carouse.
CAROUSE v. to engage in a carousal.
COASSUMEcoassume v. (Transitive) To assume jointly.
COASSUME v. to assume together.
CRUSADOScrusados n. Plural of crusado.
CRUSADO n. (Portuguese) an old Portuguese coin, also CRUZADO.
CURASSOWcurassow n. Any of several species of bird in the genera Nothocrax, Mitu, Pauxi, and Crax of the Cracidae family…
CURASSOW n. a turkey-like bird, also CARASSOW.
OUTCASTSoutcasts n. Plural of outcast.
OUTCAST n. a person who is rejected or excluded from a social group.
OUTCLASSoutclass v. (Transitive) to surpass something or somebody else, so as to appear to be in a higher class.
OUTCLASS v. to be markedly better than.
SCABIOUSscabious adj. Having scabs.
scabious adj. Of or pertaining to scabies.
scabious n. Any of various herbaceous plants of the genus Scabiosa.
SCABROUSscabrous adj. Covered with scales or scabs; hence, very coarse or rough.
scabrous adj. (Figurative) Disgusting, repellent.
scabrous adj. (Figurative) Of music, writing, etc.: lacking refinement; unmelodious, unmusical.
SCARIOUSscarious adj. (Botany) thin, dry, membranous, and not green.
scarious adj. Thin, dry, membranous.
scarious adj. (Zoology) scaly, scurfy.
SCOPULASscopulas n. Plural of scopula.
SCOPULA n. (Latin) a brushlike tuft of hairs on legs of some spiders.
SEASCOUTSeascout n. Alternative form of Sea Scout.
Sea␣Scout n. (Scouting) A member of the Scouting movement with a particular emphasis on boating and water-based activities.
SEASCOUT n. a boy trained in water activities.
SPACIOUSspacious adj. Having plenty of space; roomy.
spacious adj. Large in expanse.
SPACIOUS adj. ample in extent.
SQUACCOSsquaccos n. Plural of squacco.
SQUACCO n. (Italian) a kind of heron found in Asia, North Africa, and southern Europe.
SUBCOSTAsubcosta n. (Entomology) The first major vein behind the costa on an insect wing.
SUBCOSTA n. the vein on an insect's wing.
SURCOATSsurcoats n. Plural of surcoat.
SURCOAT n. a tunic worn over armour.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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