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List of 8-letter words containing

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There are 8 eight-letter words containing A, C, 2O and 2R

CORONARYcoronary adj. (Obsolete) Pertaining to a crown or garland.
coronary adj. (Anatomy) Encircling something (like a crown), especially with regard to the arteries or veins of the heart.
coronary n. (Anatomy, medicine) Any of the coronary vessels; a coronary artery or coronary vein.
CORPORALcorporal adj. (Archaic) Having a physical, tangible body; material, corporeal.
corporal adj. Of or pertaining to the body, especially the human body; bodily.
corporal adj. (Zoology) Pertaining to the body (the thorax and abdomen), as distinguished from the head, limbs and wings, etc.
CORPORAScorporas n. (Obsolete) The corporal, or communion cloth.
CORPORAS n. (obsolete) a white cloth on which Communion bread and wine are placed, also CORPORAL, CORPORALE.
CROMORNAcromorna n. An organ’s reed stop of a quality of tone resembling that of the oboe.
CROMORNA n. (German) an ancient double-reed wind instrument, also CREMONA, CREMORNE, CROMORNE, CRUMHORN, KRUMHORN, KRUMMHORN.
MOTORCARmotorcar n. An enclosed passenger motor vehicle, a car, powered by an engine.
motorcar n. (Rail transport, US) A self-propelled railway vehicle.
motor␣car n. Alternative spelling of motorcar.
RONCADORroncador n. (Zoology) Any of several species of Californian sciaenoid food fishes, especially Roncador stearnsi…
RONCADOR n. (Spanish) a name for various fishes of the maigre family.
ROORBACHroorbach n. (US, dated) A defamatory forgery or falsehood published for purposes of political intrigue.
ROORBACH n. a false story used for political advantage, also ROORBACK.
ROORBACKroorback n. Alternative form of roorbach.
ROORBACK n. a false story used for political advantage, also ROORBACH.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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