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There are 19 eight-letter words containing A, C, N, P, R and S

CANTRAPScantraps n. Plural of cantrap.
CANTRAP n. (Scots) a magic spell, also CANTRIP, CANTRAIP.
CANTRIPScantrips n. Plural of cantrip.
CANTRIP n. (Scots) a charm; an incantation, also CANTRAIP, CANTRAP.
CARPINGScarpings n. Plural of carping.
CARPING n. the act of carping.
CORPSMANcorpsman n. (US, military, nautical) A hospital corpsman.
corpsman n. (Deprecated, US, military) An enlisted person in the U.S. Army who works as a field medic.
corpsman n. (Medicine, military, nonstandard) A military medic.
CRAMPONScrampons n. Plural of crampon.
CRAMPON v. to climb using a kind of spiked boot.
CYPRIANSCyprians n. Plural of Cyprian.
CYPRIAN n. a lewd woman; a prostitute.
ENCARPUSencarpus n. (Architecture) An ornament on a frieze or capital, consisting of festoons of fruit, flowers, leaves, etc.
ENCARPUS n. (Greek) a frieze decoration of festooned fruit.
PANCREASpancreas n. (Anatomy) A gland near the stomach which secretes a fluid into the duodenum to help with food digestion…
PANCREAS n. a large gland discharging into the duodenum and containing islands of endocrine gland tissue.
PARSONICparsonic adj. Of or relating to a parson; clerical.
PARSONIC adj. of or pertaining to a parson, also PARSONICAL.
PRANCERSprancers n. Plural of prancer.
PRANCER n. a horse that prances.
PRANCKESpranckes v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of prancke.
PRANCKE v. (obsolete) to fold, pleat, also PRANCK.
PRAUNCESpraunces v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of praunce.
PRAUNCE v. (Spenser) to prance.
SARPANCHsarpanch n. The elected head of a panchayat (village government) in Bangladesh, India, or Pakistan.
SARPANCH n. (Hindi) the head of an Indian village.
SCARFPINscarfpin n. A pin used to hold a scarf or tie in place.
SCARFPIN n. a pin for fastening a scarf.
SCARPINGscarping v. Present participle of scarp.
scarping n. A scarp (cliff caused by erosion).
SCARPING n. an escarpment.
SCRAPINGscraping n. The sound or action of something being scraped.
scraping n. Something removed by being scraped.
scraping n. (Computing) Automated collection of data, data scraping.
SPRAUNCYsprauncy adj. Smart and showy.
SPRAUNCY adj. smart, dapper.
SYNCARPSsyncarps n. Plural of syncarp.
SYNCARP n. a fleshy multiple fruit.
SYNCARPYsyncarpy n. (Botany) The quality of being syncarpous.
SYNCARPY n. the state of being a syncarp.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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