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There are 20 eight-letter words containing A, C, M, 2S and T

ACOSMISTacosmist n. A follower of acosmism.
ACOSMIST n. one who denies the existence of a universe distinct from God.
CAMBISTScambists n. Plural of cambist.
CAMBIST n. a dealer in bills of exchange.
CASTEISMcasteism n. Discrimination based on a person’s caste.
CASTEISM n. the caste system esp. in India.
ETACISMSetacisms n. Plural of etacism.
ETACISM n. the pronunciation of the Greek letter eta as close e, also ITACISM.
ITACISMSitacisms n. Plural of itacism.
ITACISM n. the pronunciation of the Greek letter eta as the modern Greeks pronounce it, that is, like e in the English word be, also ETACISM.
MASSCULTmasscult n. The modern industrial equivalent of culture, mass-produced and anonymously consumed, without specialization…
MASSCULT n. culture as promoted by the mass media.
MASSICOTmassicot n. (Chemistry) lead monoxide, PbO, obtained as a yellow amorphous powder, the fused and crystalline form…
MASSICOT n. (French) yellow lead monoxide, also MASTICOT.
MASTICHSmastichs n. Plural of mastich.
MASTICH n. (French) a pale yellow gum resin from certain Mediterranean trees, used for varnish, also MASTIC, MASTICHE, MASTIX.
METCASTSMETCAST n. a weather forecast.
MISCASTSmiscasts v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of miscast.
MISCAST v. to cast in an unsuitable role.
MOBCASTSMOBCAST v. to broadcast over mobile phones.
MOSCATOSMOSCATO n. a sweet dessert wine.
SANCTUMSsanctums n. Plural of sanctum.
SANCTUM n. (Latin) a sacred place.
SCAMSTERscamster n. One who scams.
SCAMSTER n. one who perpetrates scams, also SCAMMER.
SCOTOMASscotomas n. Plural of scotoma.
SCOTOMA n. (Greek) dizziness with dimness of sight, also SCOTOMIA, SCOTOMY.
SMATCHESsmatches n. Plural of smatch.
SMATCH v. (obsolete) to taste, smack.
STOMACHSstomachs n. Plural of stomach.
stomachs v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of stomach.
STOMACH v. to tolerate.
STOMACKSstomacks n. Plural of stomack.
STOMACK n. (East Africa) in the phrase have a stomack, to be pregnant.
TACHISMSTACHISM n. (French) a type of abstract painting, also TACHISME.
TACTISMSTACTISM n. the movement of a whole organism.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the 1Word.ws and WikWik.org.

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