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There are 17 eight-letter words containing A, C, M, N, S and U

ARCANUMSarcanums n. Plural of arcanum.
ARCANUM n. (Latin) a secret; a mystery.
CACUMENSCACUMEN n. (Latin) a top or point.
CRANIUMScraniums n. Plural of cranium.
CRANIUM n. (Latin) the skull.
CUMARINScumarins n. Plural of cumarin.
CUMARIN n. (Tupi) a crystalline compound obtained from Tonka beans, woodruff, melilot, etc, used medicinally to prevent coagulation of the blood, also COUMARIN.
DECUMANSdecumans n. Plural of decuman.
DECUMAN n. (Latin) a great wave, as every tenth wave was supposed to be.
INASMUCHinasmuch adv. (Dated) In like degree; in like manner; to the same or similar degree; likewise.
INASMUCH adv. to such a degree, also INSOMUCH.
MANCUSESmancuses n. Plural of mancus.
MANCUS n. (historical) an Anglo-Saxon monetary unit of the value of thirty pence.
MUNTJACSmuntjacs n. Plural of muntjac.
MUNTJAC n. (Malay) a small Asian deer, also MUNTJAK.
MUSCADINmuscadin n. (Dated) dandy, coxcomb.
MUSCADIN n. (French) a Parisian fop or dandy; a middle-class moderate in the French Revolution.
MUSICIANmusician n. A composer, conductor, or a performer of music; more specifically, it’s a person who sings and/or plays…
MUSICIAN n. one who performs or composes music.
PANICUMSpanicums n. Plural of panicum.
PANICUM n. (Latin) any grass of the genus Panicum, that includes millet, also PANICK, PANNICK.
SANCTUMSsanctums n. Plural of sanctum.
SANCTUM n. (Latin) a sacred place.
SCANDIUMscandium n. A metallic chemical element, atomic number 21, obtained from some uranium ores; it is a transition element.
SCANDIUM n. a rare metallic element of the boron group.
SEMUNCIAsemuncia n. (Historical) A bronze coin minted during the Roman Republic, valued at one twenty-fourth of an as.
SEMUNCIA n. (Latin) a Roman coin equivalent to one twenty-fourth part of a Roman pound.
TSUNAMICtsunamic adj. Of or pertaining to a tsunami.
TSUNAMIC adj. relating to a tsunami, a great sea wave produced by submarine earth movement or volcanic eruption.
UNCHARMSuncharms v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of uncharm.
UNCHARM v. to free from a spell.
UNCLAMPSunclamps v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of unclamp.
UNCLAMP v. to free from a clamp.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the 1Word.ws and WikWik.org.

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