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List of 8-letter words containing

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There are 19 eight-letter words containing A, C, L, M, N and O

AMELCORNamelcorn n. A variety of wheat from which starch is produced (Triticum spelta).
AMELCORN n. (German) a variety of wheat from which starch is produced.
CAMELEONcameleon n. Obsolete form of chameleon.
CAMELEON n. a small African lizard with a prehensile tail and tongue, also CHAMAELEON, CHAMELEON.
COALMINEcoalmine n. Alternative spelling of coal mine.
coal␣mine n. A mine from which coal ore or coal minerals are mined.
COALMINE n. a mine at which coal is dug.
COLORMANcolorman n. (American spelling) Alternative form of colourman.
color␣man n. A male color commentator (a radio or television announcer who provides analysis, background information…
COLORMAN n. a sportscaster who comments during the game.
COLUMNALcolumnal n. A disklike part of the stem of a crinoid.
columnal adj. Columnar.
COLUMNAL n. a circular disklike section of the stem of a crinoid.
COLUMNARcolumnar adj. Having the shape of a column.
columnar adj. Constructed with columns.
COLUMNAR adj. in the form of a column.
COLUMNEACOLUMNEA n. a bushy tropical plant.
COMMUNALcommunal adj. Pertaining to a community.
communal adj. Shared by a community; public.
communal adj. (India) defined by religious ideas; based on religion.
COMPLAINcomplain v. (Intransitive) To express feelings of pain, dissatisfaction, or resentment.
complain v. (Intransitive) To make a formal accusation or bring a formal charge.
complain v. To creak or squeak, as a timber or wheel.
COOLAMONcoolamon n. (Australia) A vessel with curved sides, typically of wood or bark, used by Australian Aboriginals for…
COOLAMON n. (Native Australian) a shallow vessel made of wood or bark used by Australian aborigines to hold water etc.
CORNMEALcornmeal n. Dried corn (maize) milled (ground) to a coarse meal.
CORNMEAL n. meal made from corn.
FLAMENCOflamenco n. (Uncountable) A genre of folk music and dance native to Andalusia, in Spain.
flamenco n. (Countable) A song or dance performed in such a style.
flamenco v. (Intransitive) To dance flamenco.
GNOMICALgnomical adj. Gnomic.
gnomical adj. (Cartography) gnomonic.
GNOMICAL adj. resembling or containing aphorisms, also GNOMIC.
LACONISMlaconism n. (Uncountable, rhetoric) Extreme brevity in expression.
laconism n. (Countable) A very or notably brief expression.
LACONISM n. brevity of expression.
LIMACONSlimacons n. Plural of limacon.
limaçons n. Plural of limaçon.
LIMACON n. (French) a type of mathematical curve.
LOCKSMANlocksman n. A man who operates a lock on a river or canal.
locksman n. A dreadlocked Rastafarian.
LOCKSMAN n. a turnkey; a lockkeeper.
MONACHALmonachal adj. Of or pertaining to monks or their lifestyle; monastic.
MONACHAL adj. of or pertaining to monks or a monastic life.
MOONCALFmooncalf n. (Now rare) An abnormal mass within the uterus; a false conception.
mooncalf n. A poorly-conceived idea or plan.
mooncalf n. A dreamer, someone absent-minded or distracted; a fool, simpleton.
NORMALCYnormalcy n. (US) The state of being normal; the fact of being normal; normality.
NORMALCY n. conformity with the norm.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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