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List of 8-letter words containing

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There are 10 eight-letter words containing A, C, I, P, T and U

ACUPOINTacupoint n. (Alternative medicine) A specific point on the body where acupuncture or acupressure is applied.
ACUPOINT n. an acupuncture site.
AUTOPSICautopsic adj. Of, pertaining to, or characteristic of an autopsy.
AUTOPSIC adj. pertaining to an autopsy.
AUTOPTICautoptic adj. Seen with one’s own eyes; belonging to, or connected with, personal observation.
AUTOPTIC adj. based on personal observation, as autoptic testimony, also AUTOPTICAL.
CAPITULAcapitula n. Plural of capitulum.
CAPITULUM n. (Latin) a flower cluster as in a daisy.
CAPTIOUScaptious adj. (Obsolete) That captures; especially, (Of an argument, words etc.) designed to capture or entrap in…
captious adj. Having a disposition to find fault unreasonably or to raise petty objections; cavilling, nitpicky.
CAPTIOUS adj. tending to find fault.
CHUPATISchupatis n. Plural of chupati.
CHUPATI n. (Hindi) a thin flat piece of unleavened bread, also CHAPATI, CHAPATTI, CHAPPATI, CHUPATTI, CHUPATTY.
CHUPATTIchupatti n. Alternative form of chapatti.
CHUPATTI n. (Hindi) a thin flat piece of unleavened bread, also CHAPATI, CHAPATTI, CHAPPATI, CHUPATI, CHUPATTY.
PICTURALpictural n. (Obsolete) A picture.
pictural adj. (Archaic, rare) Pictorial.
PICTURAL n. (Spenser) a picture.
PLACITUMplacitum n. (Historical) A public court or assembly in the Middle Ages, over which the sovereign presided when a…
placitum n. (UK, law, obsolete) A court, or cause in court.
placitum n. (Law) A plea; a pleading; a judicial proceeding; a suit.
PUMICATEpumicate v. (Transitive) To make smooth with pumice.
PUMICATE v. to make smooth with pumice.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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