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List of 8-letter words containing

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There are 13 eight-letter words containing A, C, I, P, S and U

APICULUSapiculus n. (Mycology) The part of a spore which attaches to the sterigmata at the end of a basidium.
APICULUS n. (Latin) a sharp point at the end of a leaf.
AUSPICESauspices n. Plural of auspice.
auspices n. Protection or patronage.
AUSPICE n. a good omen.
AUTOPSICautopsic adj. Of, pertaining to, or characteristic of an autopsy.
AUTOPSIC adj. pertaining to an autopsy.
CAPSICUMcapsicum n. Any of several tropical American plants, of the genus Capsicum, principally the species Capsicum annuum…
capsicum n. (Australia, New Zealand, India, Singapore) The spicy fruit of the above plants, the bell pepper.
Capsicum prop.n. A taxonomic genus within the family Solanaceae – various peppers.
CAPTIOUScaptious adj. (Obsolete) That captures; especially, (Of an argument, words etc.) designed to capture or entrap in…
captious adj. Having a disposition to find fault unreasonably or to raise petty objections; cavilling, nitpicky.
CAPTIOUS adj. tending to find fault.
CHUPATISchupatis n. Plural of chupati.
CHUPATI n. (Hindi) a thin flat piece of unleavened bread, also CHAPATI, CHAPATTI, CHAPPATI, CHUPATTI, CHUPATTY.
CUSPIDALcuspidal adj. Having cusps.
CUSPIDAL adj. having a cusp.
PANICUMSpanicums n. Plural of panicum.
PANICUM n. (Latin) any grass of the genus Panicum, that includes millet, also PANICK, PANNICK.
SAPUCAIAsapucaia n. A Brazilian tree, the monkey pot (any of several species in the genus Lecythis).
SAPUCAIA n. (Tupi) a South American tree, related to the Brazil nut; the oily edible seed of this.
SCAUPINGSCAUP v. to cut the scalp from.
SPACIOUSspacious adj. Having plenty of space; roomy.
spacious adj. Large in expanse.
SPACIOUS adj. ample in extent.
SPICULAEspiculae n. Plural of spicula.
SPICULA n. (Latin) a spike or splinter, also SPICULE.
SPICULARspicular adj. Of, pertaining to, or formed from spicules.
SPICULAR adj. resembling a dart; having sharp points.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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