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There are 20 eight-letter words containing A, C, I, O, T and U

ACONITUMaconitum n. The poisonous herb aconite; also, an extract from it.
aconitum n. Aconitum, a genus of plants in the family Ranunculaceae.
Aconitum prop.n. A taxonomic genus within the family Ranunculaceae – flowering plants in the buttercup family, with over…
ACOUSTICacoustic adj. Pertaining to the sense of hearing, the organs of hearing, or the science of sounds.
acoustic adj. (Music) Naturally producing or produced by an instrument without electrical amplification or the need thereof.
acoustic n. (Usually in the plural) The properties or qualities of a room or building that determine how sound is…
ACUPOINTacupoint n. (Alternative medicine) A specific point on the body where acupuncture or acupressure is applied.
ACUPOINT n. an acupuncture site.
ANTICOUSanticous adj. (Botany) Facing toward the axis of the flower, as in the introrse anthers of the water lily.
ANTICOUS adj. on the anterior side.
AUCTIONSauctions n. Plural of auction.
auctions v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of auction.
AUCTION v. to sell publicly to the highest bidder.
AUTACOIDautacoid n. (Biochemistry) A hormone or similar compound that has a short-term, local effect.
AUTACOID n. a hormone secreted into blood, lymph, or sap, also AUTOCOID.
AUTOCOIDautocoid n. Alternative form of autacoid.
AUTOCOID n. a hormone secreted into blood, lymph, or sap, also AUTACOID.
AUTOPSICautopsic adj. Of, pertaining to, or characteristic of an autopsy.
AUTOPSIC adj. pertaining to an autopsy.
AUTOPTICautoptic adj. Seen with one’s own eyes; belonging to, or connected with, personal observation.
AUTOPTIC adj. based on personal observation, as autoptic testimony, also AUTOPTICAL.
BUTANOICbutanoic adj. (Organic chemistry) Of or pertaining to butanoic acid or its derivatives.
BUTANOIC adj. as in butanoic acid, another name for butyric acid.
CAPTIOUScaptious adj. (Obsolete) That captures; especially, (Of an argument, words etc.) designed to capture or entrap in…
captious adj. Having a disposition to find fault unreasonably or to raise petty objections; cavilling, nitpicky.
CAPTIOUS adj. tending to find fault.
CAUTIONScautions n. Plural of caution.
cautions v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of caution.
CAUTION v. to warn.
CAUTIOUScautious adj. Using or exercising caution; careful; tentative.
CAUTIOUS adj. exercising prudence.
CLAFOUTIclafouti n. Alternative spelling of clafoutis.
CLAFOUTI n. (French) a dessert consisting of a layer of fruit topped with batter and baked.
CONTINUAcontinua n. Plural of continuum.
CONTINUUM n. (Latin) a continuous range.
COUNTIANCountian n. (In combination) An inhabitant of a specified county.
COUNTIAN n. a resident of a county.
CURATIONcuration n. The act of curating, of organizing and maintaining a collection of artworks or artifacts.
curation n. (Archaic) The act of curing or healing.
curation n. (Databases) The manual updating of information in a database.
FACTIOUSfactious adj. Of, pertaining to, or caused by factions.
factious adj. Given to or characterized by discordance or insubordination.
FACTIOUS adj. inclined to form factions.
NOCTURIAnocturia n. (Medicine) A frequent need to arise during the night in order to urinate.
NOCTURIA n. excessive urination during the night.
OUTCAVILOUTCAVIL v. to surpass in caviling.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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